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Britains Greatest Machines with Chris Barrie
britains greatest machines chris barrie
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National Geographic: Britain's Greatest Machines Series 1 Release Date: 05 July 2010 Take a look at the engineering feats that shaped the 20th century In this new series, Chris Barrie seeks out the great British machines that have changed people’s lives and helped shaped Britain as we know it today. Chris tells the stories of these mechanical icons with passion, wit and a great deal of expertise. Tackling the subject one decade at a time, Chris puts the engineering achievements of each era into the context of the bigger picture of British history. Episodes include 1930s, 1950s, 1960s and 1980s. 1930s The Road to War Chris Barrie drives an A4 Gresley the world’s fastest steam locomotive and takes a flight in a Dragon Rapide, one of the first airliners, as he seeks out the greatest British machines of the 1930s. This was the dawn of mass production in Britain and an era of fantastic speed machines and in this episode Chris investigates how the great engineering feats of the decade helped Britain prepare for war. Chris also takes the original 1930s driving test in one of Britain’s first mass –produced cars and finds out how the lessons learned by Morris were put to use to mass produce one of the fastest tanks of WWII - the Crusader. He drives a Sentinel steam lorry used for the massive road building programme of the day and finds out how the Schneider Trophy winning Supermarine S6-B laid the groundwork for Britain’s war-winning Spitfire. 1950s a New World Order Chris Barrie takes a Routemaster bus down to his local skidpan and fires up a Vulcan bomber as he investigates the stories behind the greatest British Machines of the 1950s. This was an era in which Britain was determined to remain a world leader in engineering and a military power in a new world order dominated by the Cold War superpowers. Chris takes the controls of a Deltic Diesel locomotive as he finds out how wartime technology and materials were used to build groundbreaking new machines. He visits the Lovell Telescope to find out how a peaceful post-war radio telescope became embroiled in the Cold War. He re-visits the superb but ultimately doomed design of the world first jet airliner before taking to the original “Jungle” Test Track with one of the Britain’s greatest international successes, the Land Rover. 1960s Revolution by Design Chris Barrie relives the Monte Carlo rally at the wheel of a Mini Cooper and recalls Sir Ranulph Fiennes exploration of the Nile by hovercraft as he enjoys the greatest British Machines of the 1960s. This was a decade of revolutions and Britain’s best designers and engineers weren’t going to be left out. Chris gets his hands on some revolutionary trucks, charts the birth of the white van man and investigates the secrets of the iconic Post Office Tower. And in honour of the launch and raging success of Miss World, Chris organises his own Miss World competition – for beautiful Sixties sports cars. 1980s the Future Has Landed Chris Barrie takes a ride in a 'Back to the Future' DeLorean DMC and revisits the critical battles of the Falklands War as he seeks out the greatest British Machines of the 1980s. This was the decade in which Britain bounced back from a decade of oil crises, strikes and the decline of traditional manufacturing industries, embracing computerisation, electronics and new materials. Chris tells stories of machines that were ahead of their time including Sinclair’s unforgettable C-5 and gets hands on with some high performance cars that came out of an emerging industry in which Britain was taking a world lead – motorsport. National Geographic: Britain's Greatest Machines Series 2 Chris Barrie (Red Dwarf) returns to seek out more great British machines that have changed people s lives and help shaped Britain as we know it today. 1910's Triumph and Tragedy Chris demonstrates the equipment that saved 700 lives on Titanic. He investigates the machines that broke the deadly stalemate of trench warfare and he pays tribute to the Vickers Vimy, a war plane that achieved one of the greatest landmarks in aviation history, flying non-stop across the Atlantic. 1920's The Engine Roaring Twenties Chris takes on the high speed banking at the world s first purpose built racing circuit in a 1920's Bentley, races on a 1925 Brough Superior motorcycle and takes to the air in a De Havilland Moth, which helped pioneer the commercial air routes we still use today. 1940's War: The Mother of Invention Chris fights fires in the Blitz with the vehicles of the Auxiliary Fire Service, commands High Speed Launch 102 the nation s first high speed rescue boat and charges through the English countryside at 60mph in the groundbreaking Daimler both forward and reverse! Trains - In just ten years transportation evolved from foot and horse to the first passenger railway, forever changing British society. Chris follows this breakthrough, taking a spin on the Trevithick Puffing Devil - the world's first high-pressure steam engine and climbs on to the footplate of some of the earliest and most famous trains in the world. 1910s Triumph and Tragedy Chris demonstrates the equipment that saved 700 lives on Titanic. He investigates the machines that broke the deadly stalemate of trench warfare and he pays tribute to the Vickers Vimy, a war plane that achieved one of the greatest landmarks in aviation history, flying non-stop across the Atlantic. 1920s the Engine Roaring Twenties Chris takes on the high speed banking at the world's first purpose-built racing circuit in a 1920's Bentley, races on a 1925 Brough Superior motorcycle and takes to the air in a De Havilland Moth, which helped pioneer the commercial air routes we still use today. 1940s War the Mother of Invention Chris fights fires in the Blitz with the vehicles of the Auxiliary Fire Service, commands High Speed Launch 102 - the nation's first high speed rescue boat and charges through the English countryside at 60mph in the groundbreaking Daimler both forward and reverse! Trains the Steam Pioneers In just ten years transportation evolved from foot and horse to the first passenger railway, forever changing British society. Chris follows this breakthrough, taking a spin on the Trevithick Puffing Devil - the world's first high-pressure steam engine and climbs on to the footplate of some of the earliest and most famous trains in the world
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National Geographic Britain's Greatest Machines 1910's Triumph and Tragedy.avi
701.2 MB
National Geographic Britain's Greatest Machines 1920's The Engine Roaring Twenties.avi
700.4 MB
National Geographic Britain's Greatest Machines 1930's The Road to War.avi
700.2 MB
National Geographic Britain's Greatest Machines 1940's War The Mother of Invention.avi
701.2 MB
National Geographic Britain's Greatest Machines 1950's A New World Order.avi
700.9 MB
National Geographic Britain's Greatest Machines 1960's Revolution by Design.avi
701.2 MB
National Geographic Britain's Greatest Machines 1980's The Future Has Landed.avi
700.6 MB
National Geographic Britain's Greatest Machines Trains The Steam Pioneers.avi
700.5 MB
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