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  1. Proakis J. Readme.txt 1.2 KB
  2. Proakis J. Digital Signal Processing. Solutions 4ed 2007.pdf 2.5 MB
  3. Embree P. C++ algorithms for digital signal processing 2ed 1999.pdf 3.6 MB
  4. Gopi E. Algorithm Collections for DiSP Applications Using MatLAB 2007.pdf 5.0 MB
  5. Proakis J. Digital Signal Processing Using MatLAB 3ed 2011.pdf 7.1 MB
  6. Gopi E. Multi-Disciplinary DSP. A Functional Approach Using MatLAB 2018.pdf 9.2 MB
  7. Gopi E. Mathematical Summary for DSP Applications with MatLAB 2010.pdf 10.0 MB
  8. Proakis J. Digital Signal Processing Using MatLAB...Companion 4ed 2017.pdf 12.3 MB
  9. Abood S. Digital Signal Processing. A Primer With MatLAB 2020.pdf 16.4 MB
  10. Schilling R Digital Signal Processing using MatLAB 3ed 2015.pdf 19.2 MB
  11. Schilling R. Fundamentals of DSP Using MatLAB 2ed 2012.pdf 20.3 MB
  12. Stearns S. Digital Signal Processing with Examples in MatLAB 2003.pdf 33.6 MB
  13. Tobin P. PSpice for Digital Signal Processing 2007.pdf 35.5 MB
  14. Proakis J. Contemporary Communication Systems Using MATLAB 3ed 2013.pdf 41.1 MB
  15. Gazi O. MatLAB Applications for Digital Signal Processing...2024.pdf 46.2 MB
  16. Milic L. Multirate Filtering for Digital Signal Processing. MatLAB Apps 2008.pdf 55.4 MB
  17. Proakis J. Digital Signal Processing 4ed 2006.pdf 113.2 MB

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