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  1. _Paul Halpern - The Allure of the Multiverse and other works (17 books).txt 3.0 KB
  2. _workerbee.txt 516 bytes
  3. Halpern, Paul - Brave New Universe (Joseph Henry Press, 2006).pdf 1.2 MB
  4. Halpern, Paul - Collider_ The Search for the World's Smallest Particles (Wiley, 2009).epub 836.4 KB
  5. Halpern, Paul - Collider_ The Search for the World's Smallest Particles (Wiley, 2009).pdf 1.4 MB
  6. Halpern, Paul - Cosmic Wormholes (Plume, 1993).pdf 5.0 MB
  7. Halpern, Paul - Countdown To Apocalypse (Plenum, 1998).pdf 6.6 MB
  8. Halpern, Paul - Edge of the Universe (Wiley, 2012).epub 309.5 KB
  9. Halpern, Paul - Einstein's Dice and Schrödinger's Cat (Basic Books, 2015).epub 1.3 MB
  10. Halpern, Paul - Einstein's Dice and Schrödinger's Cat (Basic Books, 2015).pdf 1.4 MB
  11. Halpern, Paul - Faraway Worlds (Charlesbridge, 2004).pdf 16.0 MB
  12. Halpern, Paul - Flashes of Creation (Basic Books, 2021).epub 22.4 MB
  13. Halpern, Paul - Synchronicity (Basic Books, 2020).epub 15.8 MB
  14. Halpern, Paul - The Allure of the Multiverse (Basic Books, 2024).epub 23.3 MB
  15. Halpern, Paul - The Cyclical Serpent (Springer, 1995).pdf 5.6 MB
  16. Halpern, Paul - The Great Beyond (Wiley, 2004).pdf 1.8 MB
  17. Halpern, Paul - The Pursuit of Destiny_ A History of Prediction (Perseus, 2000).pdf 9.3 MB
  18. Halpern, Paul - The Quantum Labyrinth (Basic Books, 2018).epub 14.7 MB
  19. Halpern, Paul - The Quest for Alien Planets (Plenum, 1997).pdf 11.8 MB
  20. Halpern, Paul - Time Journeys (McGraw-Hill, 1990).pdf 7.1 MB
  21. Halpern, Paul - What's Science Ever Done For Us (Wiley, 2007).pdf 793.5 KB
  22. Papers/Halpern, Paul - A Bridge between Worlds (2019).pdf 525.8 KB
  23. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Albert Einstein, Celebrity Physicist (2019).pdf 970.9 KB
  24. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Behavior of homogeneous five-dimensional space-times (1986).pdf 504.4 KB
  25. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Behavior of Kasner Cosmologies with Induced Matter (2000).pdf 57.7 KB
  26. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Behaviour of anisotropic ten-dimensional cosmologies (1990).pdf 504.3 KB
  27. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Building the General Relativity and Gravitation Community [review] (2018).pdf 42.1 KB
  28. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Celebrity Physicist (2018).pdf 397.0 KB
  29. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Chaos in the Long-Term Behavior of Some Bianehi-type VIII Models (1987).pdf 830.2 KB
  30. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Coincidence, Quantum Physics, and Statistics (2020).pdf 616.9 KB
  31. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Energy Distribution of a Charged Black Hole... (2008).pdf 204.7 KB
  32. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Energy Distribution of Black Plane Solutions (2006).pdf 129.2 KB
  33. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Energy of the Taub Cosmological Solution (2006).pdf 124.4 KB
  34. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Exact Solutions of Five Dimensional Anisotropic Cosmologies (2002).pdf 43.3 KB
  35. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Feynman at 100 (2018).pdf 503.9 KB
  36. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Five-dimensional solutions for modified Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian (1993).pdf 519.1 KB
  37. Papers/Halpern, Paul - How It All Ends [review] (2020).pdf 678.6 KB
  38. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Klein, Einstein, and Five-Dimensional Unification (2007).pdf 276.3 KB
  39. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Localized Energy Distribution of Dark Energy Star Solutions (2013).pdf 110.7 KB
  40. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Nordström, Ehrenfest, and the Role of Dimensionality in Physics (2004).pdf 726.6 KB
  41. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Peter Bergmann_ The Education of a Physicist (2005).pdf 865.4 KB
  42. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Philadelphia_ Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Physics (2009).pdf 410.5 KB
  43. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Quantum Humor (2012).pdf 726.2 KB
  44. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Rebutting remarks on Feynman and Wheeler (2018).pdf 271.3 KB
  45. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Semiclassical corrections to Kasner cosmologies (1994).pdf 557.3 KB
  46. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Shifting Standards [review] (2014).pdf 261.9 KB
  47. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Spacetime as a Multicursal Labyrinth in Literature... (2013).pdf 450.6 KB
  48. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Sticks and Stones (1989).pdf 678.2 KB
  49. Papers/Halpern, Paul - The Mixmaster Universe in Five Dimensions (2003).pdf 55.3 KB
  50. Papers/Halpern, Paul - The Synchronicity of Wolfgang Pauli and Carl Jung (Nautilus 35, 2020).pdf 318.1 KB
  51. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Time as an Expanding Labyrinth of Information (2010).pdf 340.9 KB
  52. Papers/Halpern, Paul - Washington_ A DC Circuit Tour (2010).pdf 983.1 KB

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