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  1. 01 - Opening Credits.m4b 861.8 KB
  2. 02 - Preface to the Hendrickson Edition.m4b 10.9 MB
  3. 03 - Original Translator's Preface.m4b 6.0 MB
  4. 04 - Prefatory Address.m4b 22.4 MB
  5. 05 - Epistle to the Reader.m4b 2.0 MB
  6. 06 - Subject of the Present Work.m4b 2.4 MB
  7. 07 - Epistle to the Reader.m4b 3.1 MB
  8. 08 - Method and Arrangement, or Subject of The Whole Work.m4b 5.0 MB
  9. 09 - BOOK FIRST - Of the Knowledge of God the Creator.m4b 2.1 MB
  10. 10 - 1. Connection between the Knowledge of God and the Knowledge of Ourselves. Nature of the connection.m4b 4.3 MB
  11. 11 - 2. What it is to Know God. Tendency of this Knowledge.m4b 4.2 MB
  12. 12 - 3. The Human Mind naturally imbued with the Knowledge of God.m4b 4.2 MB
  13. 13 - 4. This Knowledge stifled or corrupted, ignorantly or maliciously.m4b 5.6 MB
  14. 14 - 5. The Knowledge of God displayed in the fabric and constant Governmentof the Universe.m4b 19.5 MB
  15. 15 - 6. The need of Scripture as a Guide and Teacher in coming to God as a Creator.m4b 6.2 MB
  16. 16 - 7. The Testimony of the Spirit necessary to give full authority to Scripture. The impiety of pretending that the Credibility of Scripture depends on the Judgment of the Church.m4b 8.5 MB
  17. 17 - 8. The Credibility of Scripture sufficiently proved, in so far as Natural Reason admits.m4b 14.0 MB
  18. 18 - 9. All the principles of piety subverted by fanatics who substitute revelations for Scripture.m4b 5.0 MB
  19. 19 - 10. In Scripture, the true God opposed, exclusively, to all the gods of the Heathen.m4b 4.3 MB
  20. 20 - 11. Impiety of attributing a visible form to God. The setting up of Idols a revolt against the True God.m4b 19.9 MB
  21. 21 - 12. God distinguished from Idols, that He may be the exclusive object of Worship.m4b 5.3 MB
  22. 22 - 13. The Unity of the Divine Essence in Three Persons taught in Scripture, from the foundation of the World.m4b 47.5 MB
  23. 23 - 14. In the Creation of the World, and all things in it, the True God distinguished by certain marks from fictitious gods.m4b 26.9 MB
  24. 24 - 15. State in which man was created. The Faculties of the Soul--The Image of God--Free Will--Original Righteousness.m4b 17.9 MB
  25. 25 - 16. The World, created by God, still cherished and protected by Him. Each and all of its parts governed by His Providence.m4b 17.9 MB
  26. 26 - 17. Use to be made of this Doctrine.m4b 23.9 MB
  27. 27 - 18. The instrumentality of the wicked employed by God, while He continues free from every taint.m4b 12.6 MB
  28. 28 - BOOK SECOND - Of the Knowledge of God the Redeemer, in Christ, as First Manifested to The Fathers Under the Law, and There After to Us Under the Gospel.m4b 2.0 MB
  29. 29 - 1. Through the Fall and revolt of Adam the whole Human race made accursed and degenerate. Of Original Sin.m4b 16.6 MB
  30. 30 - 2. Man now deprived of Freedom of Will, and miserably enslaved.m4b 40.5 MB
  31. 31 - 3. Every thing proceeding from the corrupt Nature of Man damnable.m4b 26.2 MB
  32. 32 - 4. How God works in the hearts of men.m4b 9.4 MB
  33. 33 - 5. The Arguments usually alleged in support of Free Will refuted.m4b 29.9 MB
  34. 34 - 6. Redemption for lost man to be sought in Christ.m4b 10.5 MB
  35. 35 - 7. The Law given, not to retain a people for itself, but to keep alive the Hope of Salvation in Christ until his Advent.m4b 23.9 MB
  36. 36 - 8. Exposition of the Moral Law.m4b 73.7 MB
  37. 37 - 9. Christ, though known to the Jews under the Law, yet only manifested under the Gospel.m4b 7.7 MB
  38. 38 - 10. The resemblance between the Old Testament and the New.m4b 28.4 MB
  39. 39 - 11. The difference between the two Testaments.m4b 19.8 MB
  40. 40 - 12. Christ, to perform the Office of Mediator, behoved to become man.m4b 14.1 MB
  41. 41 - 13. Christ clothed with the true substance of Human Natur.m4b 10.0 MB
  42. 42 - 14. How two natures constitute the Person of the Mediator.m4b 14.8 MB
  43. 43 - 15. Three things chiefly to be regarded in Christ--viz. his Offices of Prophet, King, and Priest.m4b 12.7 MB
  44. 44 - 16. How Christ performed the Office of Redeemer in procuring our salvation. The Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ.m4b 31.2 MB
  45. 45 - 17. Christ rightly and properly said to have merited Grace and Salvation for us.m4b 9.9 MB
  46. 46 - BOOK THIRD - The Mode of Obtaining the Grace of Christ. the Benefits It Confers, and The Effects Resulting from It.m4b 2.1 MB
  47. 47 - 1. The Benefits of Christ made available to us by the Secret Operation of the Spirit.m4b 7.2 MB
  48. 48 - 2. Of Faith. The Definition of it. Its peculiar properties.m4b 62.4 MB
  49. 49 - 3. Regeneration by Faith. Of Repentance.m4b 37.5 MB
  50. 50 - 4. Penitence, as explained in the sophistical jargon of the Schoolmen, widely different from the purity required by the Gospel. Of Confessionand Satisfactions.m4b 58.4 MB
  51. 51 - 5. Of the modes of Supplementing Satisfactions--viz. Indulgences and Purgatory.m4b 18.3 MB
  52. 52 - 6. The Life of a Christian Man. Scriptural Arguments exhorting to it.m4b 7.9 MB
  53. 53 - 7. A Summary of the Christian Life. Of Self-Denial.m4b 16.2 MB
  54. 54 - 8. Of Bearing the Cross--one branch of Self-Denial.m4b 13.5 MB
  55. 55 - 9. Of Meditating on the Future Life.m4b 9.8 MB
  56. 56 - 10. How to use the Present Life, and the comforts of it.m4b 7.5 MB
  57. 57 - 11. Of Justification by Faith. Both the name and the reality defined.m4b 36.5 MB
  58. 58 - 12. Necessity of contemplating the Judgment-seat of God, in order to beseriously convinced of the Doctrine of Gratuitous Justification.m4b 12.3 MB
  59. 59 - 13. Two things to be observed in Gratuitous Justification.m4b 8.4 MB
  60. 60 - 14. The beginning of Justification. In what sense progressive.m4b 26.0 MB
  61. 61 - 15. The boasted merit of Works subversive both of the Glory of God, in bestowing Righteousness, and of the certainty of Salvation.m4b 12.2 MB
  62. 62 - 16. Refutation of the Calumnies by which it is attempted to throw odium on this doctrine.m4b 7.3 MB
  63. 63 - 17. The Promises of the Law and the Gospel reconciled.m4b 24.4 MB
  64. 64 - 18. The Righteousness of Works improperly inferred from Rewards.m4b 16.7 MB
  65. 65 - 19. Of Christian Liberty.m4b 20.6 MB
  66. 66 - 20. Of Prayer--a perpetual exercise of Faith. The daily benefits derived from it.m4b 90.5 MB
  67. 67 - 21. Of the Eternal Election, by which God has predestinated some to Salvation and others to Destruction.m4b 14.8 MB
  68. 68 - 22. This Doctrine confirmed by Proofs from Scripture.m4b 19.5 MB
  69. 69 - 23. Refutation of the Calumnies by which this Doctrine is always unjustly assailed.m4b 22.1 MB
  70. 70 - 24. Election confirmed by the Calling of God. The Reprobate bring upon themselves the righteous destruction to which they are doomed.m4b 30.1 MB
  71. 71 - 25. Of the Last Resurrection.m4b 27.4 MB
  72. 72 - BOOK FOURTH - Of The External Means or Helps by Which God Allures Us Into Fellowship with Christ, and Keeps Us in It.m4b 1.9 MB
  73. 73 - 1. Of the True Church. Duty of cultivating Unity with her, as the mother of all the godly.m4b 35.2 MB
  74. 74 - 2. Comparison between the False Church and the True.m4b 15.3 MB
  75. 75 - 3. Of the Teachers and Ministers of the Church. Their Election and Office.m4b 18.6 MB
  76. 76 - 4. Of the State of the Primitive Church, and the Mode of Government in use before the Papacy.m4b 16.9 MB
  77. 77 - 5. The Ancient Form of Government utterly corrupted by the tyranny of the Papacy.m4b 21.3 MB
  78. 78 - 6. Of the Primacy of the Romish See.m4b 17.7 MB
  79. 79 - 7. Of the Beginning and Rise of the Romish Papacy, till it attained aheight by which the Liberty of the Church was destroyed, and all true Rule overthrown.m4b 35.4 MB
  80. 80 - 8. Of the Power of the Church in Articles of Faith. The unbridled license of the Papal Church in destroying Purity of Doctrine.m4b 19.6 MB
  81. 81 - 9. Of Councils and their Authority.m4b 15.8 MB
  82. 82 - 10. Of the Power of making Laws. The cruelty of the Pope and his adherents, in this respect, in tyrannically oppressing and destroying Souls.m4b 38.4 MB
  83. 83 - 11. Of the Jurisdiction of the Church and the Abuses of it, as exemplified in the Papacy.m4b 21.3 MB
  84. 84 - 12. Of the Discipline of the Church, and its principal use in Censuresand Excommunication.m4b 29.9 MB
  85. 85 - 13. Of Vows. The miserable entanglements caused by Vowing rashly.m4b 27.3 MB
  86. 86 - 14. Of the Sacraments.m4b 32.0 MB
  87. 87 - 15. Of Baptism.m4b 23.2 MB
  88. 88 - 16. Paedobaptism. Its accordance with the Institution of Christ, and the nature of the sign.m4b 40.5 MB
  89. 89 - 17. Of the Lord's Supper, and the benefits conferred by it.m4b 75.6 MB
  90. 90 - 18. Of the Popish Mass. How it not only profanes, but annihilates the Lord's Supper.m4b 22.5 MB
  91. 91 - 19. Of the Five Sacraments, falsely so called. Their spuriousness proved, and their true character explained.m4b 40.5 MB
  92. 92 - 20. Of Civil Government.m4b 38.6 MB
  93. 93 - One Hundred Aphorisms.m4b 18.5 MB
  94. 94 - End Credits.m4b 1.1 MB
  95. info.txt 1.3 KB

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