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  1. 1. Introduction/1. What is Redux.mp4 15.1 MB
  2. 1. Introduction/2. When we need Redux - Important.mp4 26.6 MB
  3. 1. Introduction/3. Setting up development Environment.mp4 19.8 MB
  4. 2. JavaScript - Functional Programming/1. Introduction of this Section.mp4 3.1 MB
  5. 2. JavaScript - Functional Programming/10. Immutability in Objects.mp4 21.1 MB
  6. 2. JavaScript - Functional Programming/11. Update Objects using Immer.mp4 17.3 MB
  7. 2. JavaScript - Functional Programming/12. Immutability in Arrays.mp4 18.5 MB
  8. 2. JavaScript - Functional Programming/13. Exercise for Immutability.mp4 4.4 MB
  9. 2. JavaScript - Functional Programming/14. Solution.mp4 13.2 MB
  10. 2. JavaScript - Functional Programming/2. What is Functional Programming.mp4 11.3 MB
  11. 2. JavaScript - Functional Programming/3. Basics of Functions.mp4 16.8 MB
  12. 2. JavaScript - Functional Programming/4. Higher-order Functions.mp4 7.9 MB
  13. 2. JavaScript - Functional Programming/5. Function Composition in JavaScript.mp4 24.7 MB
  14. 2. JavaScript - Functional Programming/6. Making code Simple with Compose and Pipe.mp4 23.3 MB
  15. 2. JavaScript - Functional Programming/7. Currying in Functional Programming.mp4 26.9 MB
  16. 2. JavaScript - Functional Programming/8. Pure Functions - Important.mp4 11.8 MB
  17. 2. JavaScript - Functional Programming/9. What is Immutability.mp4 17.9 MB
  18. 3. Basics of Redux (Fundamentals)/1. Introduction of this section.mp4 3.1 MB
  19. 3. Basics of Redux (Fundamentals)/10. Understand the subscribing and unsubscribing methods.mp4 12.7 MB
  20. 3. Basics of Redux (Fundamentals)/11. Exercise for this section.mp4 5.1 MB
  21. 3. Basics of Redux (Fundamentals)/12. Solution of this Exercise.mp4 22.0 MB
  22. 3. Basics of Redux (Fundamentals)/13. Best Folder Structure for Redux.mp4 8.8 MB
  23. 3. Basics of Redux (Fundamentals)/14. Combining Actions, Reducers and Action-types in One File.mp4 25.7 MB
  24. 3. Basics of Redux (Fundamentals)/2. How Redux works - Important.mp4 14.5 MB
  25. 3. Basics of Redux (Fundamentals)/3. Introduction of your first Redux application.mp4 5.4 MB
  26. 3. Basics of Redux (Fundamentals)/4. Designing the Store Structure.mp4 6.3 MB
  27. 3. Basics of Redux (Fundamentals)/5. Listing all actions.mp4 11.7 MB
  28. 3. Basics of Redux (Fundamentals)/6. Let’s create Reducer function.mp4 30.1 MB
  29. 3. Basics of Redux (Fundamentals)/7. Creating the Redux Store.mp4 22.5 MB
  30. 3. Basics of Redux (Fundamentals)/8. Dispatching the Actions from Store.mp4 24.6 MB
  31. 3. Basics of Redux (Fundamentals)/9. Making ActionTypes.mp4 12.8 MB
  32. 4. Let’s Learn Debugging for Redux/1. Introduction of this section.mp4 3.1 MB
  33. 4. Let’s Learn Debugging for Redux/2. Configure redux-devTools.mp4 14.5 MB
  34. 4. Let’s Learn Debugging for Redux/3. How to use redux-devTools.mp4 18.3 MB
  35. 4. Let’s Learn Debugging for Redux/4. How to trace code.mp4 24.0 MB
  36. 4. Let’s Learn Debugging for Redux/5. Import and Export logs.mp4 8.2 MB
  37. 4. Let’s Learn Debugging for Redux/GetFreeCourses.Co.url 116 bytes
  38. 5. Mastering Redux-Toolkit/1. Introduction of this section.mp4 9.7 MB
  39. 5. Mastering Redux-Toolkit/2. What is Redux-Toolkit.mp4 15.0 MB
  40. 5. Mastering Redux-Toolkit/3. Configure Store with toolkit.mp4 13.7 MB
  41. 5. Mastering Redux-Toolkit/4. Defining Actions - createAction.mp4 42.1 MB
  42. 5. Mastering Redux-Toolkit/5. Defining Reducers - createReducer.mp4 54.4 MB
  43. 5. Mastering Redux-Toolkit/6. Creating slices with Redux-toolkit - createSlice.mp4 41.5 MB
  44. 5. Mastering Redux-Toolkit/7. Exercise - for mastering Toolkit.mp4 7.6 MB
  45. 5. Mastering Redux-Toolkit/8. Solution.mp4 22.6 MB
  46. 5. Mastering Redux-Toolkit/9. Combine Reducers using Redux-toolkit.mp4 11.7 MB
  47. 6. Middleware in Redux/1. Introduction of this section.mp4 2.7 MB
  48. 6. Middleware in Redux/2. What is middleware.mp4 5.5 MB
  49. 6. Middleware in Redux/3. How to create own middleware.mp4 28.8 MB
  50. 6. Middleware in Redux/4. Redux-logger Middleware.mp4 7.3 MB
  51. 6. Middleware in Redux/5. Exercise for Middleware.mp4 3.4 MB
  52. 6. Middleware in Redux/6. Solution for this exercise.mp4 15.3 MB
  53. 6. Middleware in Redux/GetFreeCourses.Co.url 116 bytes
  54. 7. Calling API with Redux/1. Introduction of this section.mp4 2.5 MB
  55. 7. Calling API with Redux/10. Creating Action Creators.mp4 27.2 MB
  56. 7. Calling API with Redux/11. Exercise for this section.mp4 5.4 MB
  57. 7. Calling API with Redux/12. Solution for this exercise.mp4 19.0 MB
  58. 7. Calling API with Redux/13. API for Updating Completed property.mp4 23.5 MB
  59. 7. Calling API with Redux/14. API for deleting task.mp4 28.6 MB
  60. 7. Calling API with Redux/2. Set up the backend for API.mp4 16.8 MB
  61. 7. Calling API with Redux/3. Making API request using simple function.mp4 40.6 MB
  62. 7. Calling API with Redux/4. CreateAsyncThunk Method.mp4 72.4 MB
  63. 7. Calling API with Redux/5. Defining BaseURL for axios.mp4 13.1 MB
  64. 7. Calling API with Redux/6. Logic of Custom API Middleware Method.mp4 10.7 MB
  65. 7. Calling API with Redux/7. Creating Custom Middleware for API call.mp4 50.0 MB
  66. 7. Calling API with Redux/8. Dealing with loading property.mp4 32.9 MB
  67. 7. Calling API with Redux/9. Creating General API action.mp4 21.3 MB
  68. 8. Integrating Redux with React Application/1. Introduction of this section.mp4 3.0 MB
  69. 8. Integrating Redux with React Application/10. Solution for this section.mp4 30.6 MB
  70. 8. Integrating Redux with React Application/2. Creating React application.mp4 9.4 MB
  71. 8. Integrating Redux with React Application/3. Adding redux in react application.mp4 7.5 MB
  72. 8. Integrating Redux with React Application/4. Configure Store in React.mp4 34.3 MB
  73. 8. Integrating Redux with React Application/5. Subscribe & Dispatching an action.mp4 43.5 MB
  74. 8. Integrating Redux with React Application/6. Connecting Redux using react-redux.mp4 19.2 MB
  75. 8. Integrating Redux with React Application/7. React-redux Hooks - useDispatch and useSelector.mp4 28.3 MB
  76. 8. Integrating Redux with React Application/8. React-redux with Class components.mp4 35.8 MB
  77. 8. Integrating Redux with React Application/9. Exercise for this section.mp4 14.4 MB
  78. Download Paid Udemy Courses For Free.url 116 bytes
  79. GetFreeCourses.Co.url 116 bytes
  80. How you can help GetFreeCourses.Co.txt 182 bytes

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