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  1. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/7. Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks [Theory and Intuitions]/14. MobileNet Architecture Explained.mp4 121.3 MB
  2. 63 bytes
  3. [TGx]Downloaded from .txt 585 bytes
  4. .pad/0 688.4 KB
  5. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/7. Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks [Theory and Intuitions]/3. Convolutional Filters.mp4 114.0 MB
  6. .pad/1 978.9 KB
  7. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/10. Data Visualization Part 2.mp4 107.3 MB
  8. .pad/2 767.2 KB
  9. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/7. Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks [Theory and Intuitions]/15. EfficientNet Architecture Explained.mp4 104.3 MB
  10. .pad/3 713.5 KB
  11. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/1. Course Setup/1. Jupyter Notebook Introduction.mp4 103.1 MB
  12. .pad/4 939.7 KB
  13. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/7. Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks [Theory and Intuitions]/5. Padding and Strides.mp4 102.3 MB
  14. .pad/5 683.9 KB
  15. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/7. Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks [Theory and Intuitions]/11. AlexNet Architecture Explained.mp4 98.7 MB
  16. .pad/6 287.6 KB
  17. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/10. Flowers Classification with Transfer Learning and CNN/17. Online Prediction of Flowers Classes.mp4 96.9 MB
  18. .pad/7 75.5 KB
  19. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/8. Horses vs Humans Classification with Simple CNN/6. Data Display in Subplots Matrix.mp4 89.2 MB
  20. .pad/8 796.9 KB
  21. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/6. Introduction to Computer Vision with Deep Learning/4. Fashion MNIST Dataset Analysis.mp4 87.8 MB
  22. .pad/9 248.5 KB
  23. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/7. Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks [Theory and Intuitions]/6. Pooling Layers.mp4 86.5 MB
  24. .pad/10 503.1 KB
  25. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/21. Load Model and Do the Prediction.mp4 83.4 MB
  26. .pad/11 610.1 KB
  27. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/12. Load Dataset for Baseline Classifier.mp4 82.9 MB
  28. .pad/12 62.2 KB
  29. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/7. Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks [Theory and Intuitions]/2. Working Principle of CNN.mp4 80.2 MB
  30. .pad/13 811.9 KB
  31. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/5. What is Back Propagation.mp4 79.4 MB
  32. .pad/14 613.1 KB
  33. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/6. Introduction to Computer Vision with Deep Learning/8. Discovering Overfitting - Early Stopping.mp4 77.5 MB
  34. .pad/15 467.3 KB
  35. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/8. Horses vs Humans Classification with Simple CNN/4. Download Humans or Horses Dataset Part 2.mp4 76.0 MB
  36. .pad/16 998.4 KB
  37. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/1. Course Setup/1.1 74.7 MB
  38. .pad/17 338.6 KB
  39. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/8. Horses vs Humans Classification with Simple CNN/2. Introduction to TensorFlow Datasets (TFDS).mp4 74.6 MB
  40. .pad/18 362.4 KB
  41. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/8. Horses vs Humans Classification with Simple CNN/5. Use of Image Data Generator.mp4 73.4 MB
  42. .pad/19 655.3 KB
  43. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/8. Other Types of Data Augmentation.mp4 73.3 MB
  44. .pad/20 674.5 KB
  45. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/7. Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks [Theory and Intuitions]/7. Activation Function.mp4 72.7 MB
  46. .pad/21 353.1 KB
  47. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/7. Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks [Theory and Intuitions]/10. LeNet-5 Architecture Explained.mp4 71.1 MB
  48. .pad/22 900.0 KB
  49. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/5. Sample Data Load with ImageDataGenerator for Augmentation.mp4 71.0 MB
  50. .pad/23 976.6 KB
  51. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/2. Python for Deep Learning/8. Matplotlib Introduction Part 2.mp4 70.1 MB
  52. .pad/24 926.5 KB
  53. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/15. How to Calculate Number of Parameters in CNN and FCN.mp4 68.7 MB
  54. .pad/25 332.6 KB
  55. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/7. Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks [Theory and Intuitions]/12. GoogLeNet (Inception V1) Architecture Explained.mp4 68.4 MB
  56. .pad/26 626.2 KB
  57. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/10. Flowers Classification with Transfer Learning and CNN/2. Load Flowers Dataset for Classification.mp4 68.0 MB
  58. .pad/27 15.7 KB
  59. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/7. Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks [Theory and Intuitions]/4. Feature Maps.mp4 66.9 MB
  60. .pad/28 125.5 KB
  61. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/3. Introduction to Machine Learning/13. Code Along in Python Part 4.mp4 66.7 MB
  62. .pad/29 336.7 KB
  63. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/6. Introduction to Computer Vision with Deep Learning/7. Model Summary and Training.mp4 65.0 MB
  64. .pad/30 31.5 KB
  65. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/2. Python for Deep Learning/7. Matplotlib Introduction Part 1.mp4 64.8 MB
  66. .pad/31 244.9 KB
  67. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/11. Introduction to NLP/3. Overview of NLP Tools.mp4 64.5 MB
  68. .pad/32 483.8 KB
  69. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/7. Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks [Theory and Intuitions]/1. What is Convolutional Neural Network.mp4 64.2 MB
  70. .pad/33 823.6 KB
  71. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/7. Steps to Build Neural Network.mp4 64.1 MB
  72. .pad/34 942.6 KB
  73. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/10. Flowers Classification with Transfer Learning and CNN/13. Make CNN Model with VGG16 Transfer Learning.mp4 63.9 MB
  74. .pad/35 86.1 KB
  75. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/10. Flowers Classification with Transfer Learning and CNN/7. How to Calculate Number of Parameters in CNN.mp4 63.8 MB
  76. .pad/36 191.6 KB
  77. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/10. Flowers Classification with Transfer Learning and CNN/15. Train Any Model for Transfer Learning.mp4 63.3 MB
  78. .pad/37 744.7 KB
  79. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/6. Introduction to Computer Vision with Deep Learning/3. Fashion MNIST Dataset Download.mp4 63.2 MB
  80. .pad/38 822.2 KB
  81. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/8. Horses vs Humans Classification with Simple CNN/11. CNN Parameter Calculations Part 3.mp4 61.4 MB
  82. .pad/39 589.0 KB
  83. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/14. How to Calculate Size of Output Layers of CNN and MaxPool.mp4 61.3 MB
  84. .pad/40 695.2 KB
  85. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/14. Neural Network Model Building.mp4 60.9 MB
  86. .pad/41 130.8 KB
  87. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/8. Horses vs Humans Classification with Simple CNN/8. Building CNN Model.mp4 60.7 MB
  88. .pad/42 332.8 KB
  89. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/2. Python for Deep Learning/10. Seaborn Introduction Part 2.mp4 59.7 MB
  90. .pad/43 285.6 KB
  91. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/3. Introduction to Machine Learning/11. Code Along in Python Part 2.mp4 59.1 MB
  92. .pad/44 871.7 KB
  93. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/8. Horses vs Humans Classification with Simple CNN/12. Model Training.mp4 58.9 MB
  94. .pad/45 62.3 KB
  95. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/10. Flowers Classification with Transfer Learning and CNN/1. Transfer Learning Introduction.mp4 57.4 MB
  96. .pad/46 581.5 KB
  97. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/7. Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks [Theory and Intuitions]/13. RestNet Architecture Explained.mp4 56.8 MB
  98. .pad/47 162.0 KB
  99. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/16. Model Training.mp4 56.3 MB
  100. .pad/48 744.3 KB
  101. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/8. Horses vs Humans Classification with Simple CNN/3. Download Humans or Horses Dataset Part 1.mp4 56.2 MB
  102. .pad/49 868.8 KB
  103. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/6. Random Rotation Augmentation.mp4 55.8 MB
  104. .pad/50 182.2 KB
  105. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/7. Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks [Theory and Intuitions]/9. CNN Architectures Comparison.mp4 55.6 MB
  106. .pad/51 447.7 KB
  107. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/2. Multi-Layer Perceptron.mp4 55.1 MB
  108. .pad/52 913.5 KB
  109. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/11. Store Data in Local Directory.mp4 53.1 MB
  110. .pad/53 952.4 KB
  111. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/8. Horses vs Humans Classification with Simple CNN/7. CNN Introduction.mp4 53.0 MB
  112. .pad/54 992.1 KB
  113. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/8. Horses vs Humans Classification with Simple CNN/14. Image Class Prediction.mp4 52.3 MB
  114. .pad/55 702.3 KB
  115. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/6. Optimizers in Deep Learning.mp4 52.1 MB
  116. .pad/56 949.9 KB
  117. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/10. Flowers Classification with Transfer Learning and CNN/5. Preparing Data with Image Data Generator.mp4 51.2 MB
  118. .pad/57 866.5 KB
  119. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/10. Flowers Classification with Transfer Learning and CNN/11. import VGG16 from Keras.mp4 51.0 MB
  120. .pad/58 1007.5 KB
  121. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/19. Prediction on Real-Life Data.mp4 50.9 MB
  122. .pad/59 62.1 KB
  123. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/9. Data Visualization Part 1.mp4 50.2 MB
  124. .pad/60 803.4 KB
  125. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/10. Flowers Classification with Transfer Learning and CNN/3. Download Flowers Data.mp4 50.0 MB
  126. .pad/61 1021.3 KB
  127. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/2. Python for Deep Learning/6. Pandas Introduction.mp4 49.6 MB
  128. .pad/62 453.1 KB
  129. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/15. Model Summary Explanation.mp4 48.8 MB
  130. .pad/63 208.9 KB
  131. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/10. Flowers Classification with Transfer Learning and CNN/4. Flowers Data Visualization.mp4 48.7 MB
  132. .pad/64 316.5 KB
  133. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/4. What is Data Augmentation [Theory].mp4 48.6 MB
  134. .pad/65 440.7 KB
  135. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/10. Flowers Classification with Transfer Learning and CNN/6. Baseline CNN Model Building.mp4 46.4 MB
  136. .pad/66 655.5 KB
  137. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/10. Flowers Classification with Transfer Learning and CNN/8. Baseline CNN Model Training.mp4 46.3 MB
  138. .pad/67 670.9 KB
  139. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/7. Random Shift Augmentation.mp4 45.9 MB
  140. .pad/68 61.9 KB
  141. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/11. Introduction to NLP/8. Text Preprocessing.mp4 45.8 MB
  142. .pad/69 230.6 KB
  143. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/2. L1, L2 and Early Stopping Regularization.mp4 44.8 MB
  144. .pad/70 208.1 KB
  145. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/8. Horses vs Humans Classification with Simple CNN/9. CNN Parameter Calculation.mp4 44.8 MB
  146. .pad/71 221.8 KB
  147. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/6. Introduction to Computer Vision with Deep Learning/9. Model Save and Load for Prediction.mp4 44.7 MB
  148. .pad/72 322.6 KB
  149. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/3. Introduction to Machine Learning/12. Code Along in Python Part 3.mp4 44.1 MB
  150. .pad/73 925.3 KB
  151. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/8. Horses vs Humans Classification with Simple CNN/1. Overview of Image Classification using CNNs.mp4 44.1 MB
  152. .pad/74 963.6 KB
  153. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/4. Introduction to Deep Learning and TensorFlow/4. Unsupervised Learning.mp4 43.2 MB
  154. .pad/75 778.4 KB
  155. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/8. Horses vs Humans Classification with Simple CNN/10. CNN Parameter Calculations Part 2.mp4 43.2 MB
  156. .pad/76 868.5 KB
  157. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/6. Introduction to Computer Vision with Deep Learning/1. Introduction to Computer Vision with Deep Learning.mp4 43.0 MB
  158. .pad/77 33.9 KB
  159. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/1. What is Overfitting.mp4 42.8 MB
  160. .pad/78 244.6 KB
  161. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/3. How Dropout and Batch Normalization Prevents Overfitting.mp4 42.7 MB
  162. .pad/79 277.5 KB
  163. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/19. Regularized CNN Model Building and Training.mp4 42.4 MB
  164. .pad/80 564.3 KB
  165. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/10. TensorFlow TFDS and Cats vs Dogs Data Download.mp4 42.4 MB
  166. .pad/81 624.9 KB
  167. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/11. Introduction to NLP/10. Pair Plot.mp4 41.9 MB
  168. .pad/82 64.8 KB
  169. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/13. Building Baseline CNN Classifier.mp4 41.6 MB
  170. .pad/83 392.7 KB
  171. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/10. Flowers Classification with Transfer Learning and CNN/9. Train Model with TFDS Data Without Saving Locally Part 1.mp4 41.3 MB
  172. .pad/84 718.5 KB
  173. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/10. Flowers Classification with Transfer Learning and CNN/16. Save and Load Model with Class Names.mp4 40.4 MB
  174. .pad/85 630.1 KB
  175. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/4. Activation Function.mp4 40.3 MB
  176. .pad/86 689.7 KB
  177. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/2. Python for Deep Learning/4. Numpy Introduction Part 1.mp4 40.1 MB
  178. .pad/87 930.0 KB
  179. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/16. Model Training and Layers Analysis.mp4 39.9 MB
  180. .pad/88 95.4 KB
  181. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/11. Introduction to NLP/2. What are Key NLP Techniques.mp4 39.6 MB
  182. .pad/89 434.7 KB
  183. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/10. Flowers Classification with Transfer Learning and CNN/10. Train Model with TFDS Data Without Saving Locally Part 2.mp4 38.5 MB
  184. .pad/90 561.8 KB
  185. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/3. Introduction to Machine Learning/6. L2 Regularization.mp4 38.3 MB
  186. .pad/91 713.2 KB
  187. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/4. Introduction to Deep Learning and TensorFlow/1. Machine Learning Process Introduction.mp4 38.0 MB
  188. .pad/92 19.6 KB
  189. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/2. Python for Deep Learning/2. Python Introduction Part 2.mp4 37.8 MB
  190. .pad/93 176.4 KB
  191. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/3. Introduction to Machine Learning/3. Support Vector Machine - SVM.mp4 37.7 MB
  192. .pad/94 345.2 KB
  193. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/12. Import Neural Networks APIs.mp4 37.1 MB
  194. .pad/95 967.8 KB
  195. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/6. Introduction to Computer Vision with Deep Learning/6. Deep Neural Network Model Building.mp4 36.5 MB
  196. .pad/96 477.4 KB
  197. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/11. Data Preprocessing.mp4 36.4 MB
  198. .pad/97 638.7 KB
  199. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/2. Python for Deep Learning/5. Numpy Introduction Part 2.mp4 36.3 MB
  200. .pad/98 713.4 KB
  201. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/11. Introduction to NLP/12. TF-IDF Vectorization.mp4 34.7 MB
  202. .pad/99 295.8 KB
  203. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/2. Python for Deep Learning/3. Python Introduction Part 3.mp4 34.7 MB
  204. .pad/100 353.8 KB
  205. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/3. Introduction to Machine Learning/2. Logistic Regression.mp4 34.4 MB
  206. .pad/101 583.3 KB
  207. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/3. Introduction to Machine Learning/10. Code Along in Python Part 1.mp4 34.4 MB
  208. .pad/102 657.8 KB
  209. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/11. Introduction to NLP/9. Feature Engineering.mp4 33.7 MB
  210. .pad/103 302.4 KB
  211. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/2. Python for Deep Learning/1. Python Introduction Part 1.mp4 33.6 MB
  212. .pad/104 458.0 KB
  213. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/4. Introduction to Deep Learning and TensorFlow/7. What is Neural Network.mp4 33.2 MB
  214. .pad/105 798.5 KB
  215. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/9. All Types of Augmentation at Once.mp4 32.7 MB
  216. .pad/106 348.6 KB
  217. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/7. Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks [Theory and Intuitions]/8. Dropout.mp4 32.4 MB
  218. .pad/107 652.8 KB
  219. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/8. Horses vs Humans Classification with Simple CNN/13. Model Load and Save.mp4 32.1 MB
  220. .pad/108 941.6 KB
  221. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/3. Introduction to Machine Learning/1. Classical Machine Learning Introduction.mp4 32.0 MB
  222. .pad/109 19.4 KB
  223. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/4. Introduction to Deep Learning and TensorFlow/10. Deep Learning Tools.mp4 31.8 MB
  224. .pad/110 227.7 KB
  225. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/3. Introduction to Machine Learning/8. Model Evaluation.mp4 31.5 MB
  226. .pad/111 505.4 KB
  227. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/2. Python for Deep Learning/9. Seaborn Introduction Part 1.mp4 30.6 MB
  228. .pad/112 425.1 KB
  229. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/4. Introduction to Deep Learning and TensorFlow/6. What is Deep Learning and ML.mp4 30.2 MB
  230. .pad/113 812.3 KB
  231. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/4. Introduction to Deep Learning and TensorFlow/9. Application of Deep Learning.mp4 28.6 MB
  232. .pad/114 398.0 KB
  233. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/6. Introduction to Computer Vision with Deep Learning/2. 5 Steps of Computer Vision Model Building.mp4 27.7 MB
  234. .pad/115 332.2 KB
  235. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/11. Introduction to NLP/5. Bag of Words - The Simples Word Embedding Technique.mp4 27.3 MB
  236. .pad/116 704.4 KB
  237. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/8. Customer Churn Dataset Loading.mp4 26.0 MB
  238. .pad/117 1023.5 KB
  239. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/17. Model Training and Validation Accuracy Plot.mp4 26.0 MB
  240. .pad/118 28.2 KB
  241. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/6. Introduction to Computer Vision with Deep Learning/5. Train Test Split for Data.mp4 25.8 MB
  242. .pad/119 185.4 KB
  243. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/10. Flowers Classification with Transfer Learning and CNN/12. Data Augmentation for Training.mp4 25.6 MB
  244. .pad/120 381.2 KB
  245. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/4. Introduction to Deep Learning and TensorFlow/3. Supervised Learning.mp4 25.5 MB
  246. .pad/121 468.2 KB
  247. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/20. Training Log Analysis.mp4 25.5 MB
  248. .pad/122 470.0 KB
  249. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/3. Introduction to Machine Learning/4. Decision Tree.mp4 25.5 MB
  250. .pad/123 506.5 KB
  251. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/4. Introduction to Deep Learning and TensorFlow/8. How Deep Learning Process Works.mp4 23.9 MB
  252. .pad/124 55.6 KB
  253. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/18. Model Save and Load.mp4 23.6 MB
  254. .pad/125 384.4 KB
  255. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/10. Flowers Classification with Transfer Learning and CNN/14. Model Training for Better Accuracy.mp4 23.3 MB
  256. .pad/126 668.0 KB
  257. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/11. Introduction to NLP/1. Introduction to NLP.mp4 22.6 MB
  258. .pad/127 457.2 KB
  259. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/11. Introduction to NLP/13. Model Evaluation and Prediction on Real Data.mp4 22.3 MB
  260. .pad/128 753.1 KB
  261. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/11. Introduction to NLP/14. Model Load and Store.mp4 22.1 MB
  262. .pad/129 954.0 KB
  263. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/4. Introduction to Deep Learning and TensorFlow/11. MLops with AWS.mp4 21.6 MB
  264. .pad/130 367.5 KB
  265. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/13. How to Get Input Shape and Class Weights.mp4 21.2 MB
  266. .pad/131 825.0 KB
  267. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/1. What is Neuron.mp4 20.9 MB
  268. .pad/132 149.6 KB
  269. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/11. Introduction to NLP/6. Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF).mp4 20.0 MB
  270. .pad/133 999.8 KB
  271. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/4. Introduction to Deep Learning and TensorFlow/2. Types of Machine Learning.mp4 19.3 MB
  272. .pad/134 731.2 KB
  273. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/11. Introduction to NLP/4. Common Challenges in NLP.mp4 19.1 MB
  274. .pad/135 887.0 KB
  275. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/3. Introduction to Machine Learning/7. L1 Regularization.mp4 18.7 MB
  276. .pad/136 265.9 KB
  277. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/11. Introduction to NLP/7. Load Spam Dataset.mp4 18.6 MB
  278. .pad/137 449.8 KB
  279. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/18. Building Dataset for Regularized CNN.mp4 17.5 MB
  280. .pad/138 507.3 KB
  281. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/3. Introduction to Machine Learning/5. Random Forest.mp4 17.5 MB
  282. .pad/139 532.8 KB
  283. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/4. Introduction to Deep Learning and TensorFlow/5. Reinforcement Learning.mp4 16.3 MB
  284. .pad/140 747.7 KB
  285. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/17. Model Evaluation.mp4 16.1 MB
  286. .pad/141 906.6 KB
  287. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/9. Building Cats and Dogs Classifier with Regularized CNN/22. CNN Model Visualization.mp4 14.3 MB
  288. .pad/142 705.5 KB
  289. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/5. End to End Deep Learning Project/3. Shallow vs Deep Neural Networks.mp4 13.8 MB
  290. .pad/143 158.5 KB
  291. [] - 2023 Python for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence/3. Introduction to Machine Learning/9. ROC-AUC Curve.mp4 13.5 MB
  292. .pad/144 554.6 KB
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