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  1. Culley - Oral Tradition and Biblical Studies, Oral Tradition, 1(1), 1986.pdf 186.8 KB
  2. Crossley - Reading the New Testament. Contemporary Approaches (2010).epub 413.6 KB
  3. Lafayette - How the Babylonian Story of the Flood Became the Story of the Great Deluge in the Bible. And How Utnapishtim Became Noah (2014).epub 542.5 KB
  4. Preston - New Look at the Bible, 2e (2013).epub 544.8 KB
  5. James - Bible. Two Proofs and Two Mis-Translations. Why Some Christians Reject Science (2020).epub 810.9 KB
  6. Miglio - The Gilgamesh Epic in Genesis 1-11. Peering into the Deep (2023).epub 816.4 KB
  7. Stavrakopoulou - Land of Our Fathers. The Roles of Ancestor Veneration in Biblical Land Claims (2010).pdf 908.0 KB
  8. Uffington - The Greatest Lie Ever Told (2011).mobi 946.4 KB
  9. Uhlenbruch (Ed.) - “Not in the Spaces we Know”. An Exploration of Science Fiction and the Bible (2017).pdf 991.2 KB
  10. Lafayette - The Fake and Evil God We Worship. The Satanic Verses of the Bible, 6e (2020).epub 1.2 MB
  11. Torre - Resisting Apartheid America. Living the Badass Gospel (2023).epub 1.3 MB
  12. Barker - God. The Most Unpleasant Character in All Fiction (2023).epub 1.6 MB
  13. Crouch (Ed.) - The Cambridge Companion to the Hebrew Bible and Ethics (2021).pdf 2.0 MB
  14. Genung - The Composition of Genesis 37. Incoherence and Meaning in the Exposition of the Joseph Story (2017).pdf 2.0 MB
  15. Davies - The Immoral Bible. Approaches to Old Testament Ethics (2010).pdf 2.2 MB
  16. Feinman - The Exodus. An Egyptian Story (2021).pdf 2.3 MB
  17. Nikao - The False Doctrine of The Flat Earth. A Contextual Perspective of Biblical Cosmology (2019).epub 2.5 MB
  18. Hicks-Keeton & Concannon - Does Scripture Speak for Itself. The Museum of the Bible and the Politics of Interpretation (2023).pdf 2.5 MB
  19. Ammann et al (Eds.) - Authorship and the Hebrew Bible (2022).pdf 2.6 MB
  20. Mortenson - Searching for Adam. Genesis & the Truth About Man's Origin (2016).epub 4.2 MB
  21. Moore - The Bible after Deleuze. Affects, Assemblages, Bodies without Organs (2023).pdf 4.3 MB
  22. Farber - Images of Joshua in the Bible and Their Reception (2016).pdf 4.4 MB
  23. Hensel et al (Eds.) - Yahwistic Diversity and the Hebrew Bible. Tracing Perspectives of Group Identity from Judah, Samaria, and the Diaspora in Biblical Traditions (2020).pdf 4.4 MB
  24. Batto - In the Beginning. Essays on Creation Motifs in the Ancient Near East and the Bible (2013).pdf 4.7 MB
  25. Meyer - The Gospels of the Marginalized. The Redemption of Doubting Thomas, Mary Magdalene, and Judas Iscariot in Early Christian Literature (2012).pdf 5.9 MB
  26. Bacon - Is Mark a Roman Gospel (1919).pdf 7.6 MB
  27. Gertoux - Moses and the Exodus. Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence (2015).pdf 9.2 MB
  28. Stavrakopoulou - King Manasseh and Child Sacrifice. Biblical Distortions of Historical Realities (2012).pdf 12.3 MB
  29. Gilmour - Divine Violence in the Book of Samuel (2021).pdf 14.5 MB
  30. Wollenberg - The Closed Book. How the Rabbis Taught the Jews (Not) to Read the Bible (2023).pdf 15.8 MB
  31. Kalimi (Ed.) - Writing and Rewriting History in Ancient Israel and Near Eastern Cultures (2020).pdf 18.4 MB
  32. Evans - Jesus and the Manuscripts. What We Can Learn from the Oldest Texts (2020).epub 24.4 MB
  33. Bacon - The Gospel of Mark. Its Composition and Date (1925).pdf 29.8 MB
  34. White - The ‘King James Only’ Controversy. Can You Trust the Modern Translations (1995).pdf 48.7 MB
  35. Jacobson & Chan - Introducing the Old Testament. A Historical, Literary, and Theological Survey (2023).epub 336.2 MB

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