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  1. _James Peebles (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2019).txt 4.0 KB
  2. _workerbee.txt 478 bytes
  3. Cosmology's Century/Peebles, James - Cosmology's Century (Princeton, 2020).jpg 910.0 KB
  4. Cosmology's Century/Peebles, James - Cosmology's Century (Princeton, 2020).pdf 17.9 MB
  5. Finding the Big Bang [ed.]/Peebles, James (ed.) - Finding the Big Bang (Cambridge, 2009).jpg 568.5 KB
  6. Finding the Big Bang [ed.]/Peebles, James (ed.) - Finding the Big Bang (Cambridge, 2009).pdf 4.8 MB
  7. Large-Scale Structure of the Universe, The/Peebles, James - Large-Scale Structure of the Universe (Princeton, 2020).jpg 717.0 KB
  8. Large-Scale Structure of the Universe, The/Peebles, James - Large-Scale Structure of the Universe (Princeton, 2020).pdf 52.9 MB
  9. Miscellaneous Papers/A Cosmic Book (1988).pdf 913.6 KB
  10. Miscellaneous Papers/A Cosmic Book of Phenomena (1990).pdf 800.5 KB
  11. Miscellaneous Papers/A Cosmic Virial Theorem (1976).pdf 782.5 KB
  12. Miscellaneous Papers/A Model for Continuous Clustering... (1974).pdf 372.7 KB
  13. Miscellaneous Papers/A Model for Structure Formation Seeded by Gravitationally... (2000).pdf 84.5 KB
  14. Miscellaneous Papers/A Numerical Renormalization Solution for Self‐similar Cosmic... (1989).pdf 2.4 MB
  15. Miscellaneous Papers/A Primeval Magellanic Stream and Others (2013).pdf 2.8 MB
  16. Miscellaneous Papers/Alignment Effects of Brightest Cluster Galaxies (1988).pdf 83.0 KB
  17. Miscellaneous Papers/An Explanation of the Penzias and Wilson Discovery (2003).pdf 73.9 KB
  18. Miscellaneous Papers/An Isocurvature Cold Dark Matter Cosmogony, II (1999).pdf 152.3 KB
  19. Miscellaneous Papers/An Isocurvature Model for Early Galaxy Assembly (1997).pdf 236.7 KB
  20. Miscellaneous Papers/Big Bang at 50 (2014).pdf 1.6 MB
  21. Miscellaneous Papers/Big Bang Cosmology (1979).pdf 4.8 MB
  22. Miscellaneous Papers/Bright End of the Galaxy Luminosity Function in Clusters (1969).pdf 129.0 KB
  23. Miscellaneous Papers/Clouds Over the Twenty-First Century Virtual Observatory (2004).pdf 3.4 MB
  24. Miscellaneous Papers/Clustering of 4C radio sources (1981).pdf 217.1 KB
  25. Miscellaneous Papers/Comment on Rees' "Size and Shape of the Universe" (1980).pdf 5.0 MB
  26. Miscellaneous Papers/Comment on the Anisotropy of the Primeval Fireball (1968).pdf 171.6 KB
  27. Miscellaneous Papers/Cosmic Baryon Budget (1998).pdf 359.0 KB
  28. Miscellaneous Papers/Cosmological Consequences of A Rolling Homogeneous Scalar Field (1988).pdf 1.0 MB
  29. Miscellaneous Papers/Cosmological Origin of the Stellar Velocity Dispersions... (2003).pdf 131.4 KB
  30. Miscellaneous Papers/Cosmology and Fluctuations in the Radiation Backgrounds (1990).pdf 1.3 MB
  31. Miscellaneous Papers/Cosmology and the cosmic infrared background radiation (1996).pdf 803.0 KB
  32. Miscellaneous Papers/Cosmology and the Radioactive Decay Ages of Terrestrial Rocks (1962).pdf 748.2 KB
  33. Miscellaneous Papers/Cosmology for Everyphysicist (1969).pdf 1.9 MB
  34. Miscellaneous Papers/Cosmology with a dynamically screened scalar interaction (2004).pdf 195.1 KB
  35. Miscellaneous Papers/Cosmology With Equivalence Principle Breaking in the Dark Sector (2010).pdf 3.1 MB
  36. Miscellaneous Papers/Cosmology’s Early Days (2019).pdf 923.2 KB
  37. Miscellaneous Papers/Dark Matter (2015).pdf 519.5 KB
  38. Miscellaneous Papers/David Todd Wilkinson (2003).pdf 451.9 KB
  39. Miscellaneous Papers/Discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background (2000).pdf 516.4 KB
  40. Miscellaneous Papers/Discovery of the Hot Big Bang (2014).pdf 321.7 KB
  41. Miscellaneous Papers/Dynamics of a dark matter field with a quartic self-interaction (2000).pdf 89.9 KB
  42. Miscellaneous Papers/Early Formation and Late Merging of the Giant Galaxies (2004).pdf 674.2 KB
  43. Miscellaneous Papers/Editorial note to Dicke's Theoretical Significance of Experimental... (2019).pdf 521.0 KB
  44. Miscellaneous Papers/Element production in the big bang (1977).pdf 730.9 KB
  45. Miscellaneous Papers/Evanescent Matter (2012).pdf 394.6 KB
  46. Miscellaneous Papers/Evidence for Local Anisotropy of the Hubble Flow (1983).pdf 633.5 KB
  47. Miscellaneous Papers/Evolution of the Cosmological Constant (1999).pdf 86.5 KB
  48. Miscellaneous Papers/Evolution of the Solar System and the Expansion of the Universe (1964).pdf 248.9 KB
  49. Miscellaneous Papers/Evolution of the Universe (Scientific American, October 1994).pdf 838.8 KB
  50. Miscellaneous Papers/Fluid Dark Matter (2000).pdf 49.4 KB
  51. Miscellaneous Papers/Formation of Galaxies in Classical Cosmology (1968).pdf 341.3 KB
  52. Miscellaneous Papers/Formation of the Large Nearby Galaxies (2020).pdf 479.6 KB
  53. Miscellaneous Papers/Future of Astronomy and Physical Cosmology (2004).pdf 163.8 KB
  54. Miscellaneous Papers/Galaxy Formation (1998).pdf 2.7 MB
  55. Miscellaneous Papers/Galaxy Formation_ High Redshift or Low (1989).pdf 6.1 MB
  56. Miscellaneous Papers/Galaxy Satellites and the Weak Equivalence Principle (2009).pdf 2.7 MB
  57. Miscellaneous Papers/Gravitation and space science (1965).pdf 2.5 MB
  58. Miscellaneous Papers/Gravitational Collapse and Related Phenomena (1972).pdf 1.0 MB
  59. Miscellaneous Papers/Gravitational Instability Picture and the Epoch of Galaxy Formation (1997).pdf 4.0 MB
  60. Miscellaneous Papers/Growth of the Nonbaryonic Dark Matter Theory (2017).pdf 423.0 KB
  61. Miscellaneous Papers/Have We Got the Universe Right (New Scientist, 6 June 2020).pdf 3.0 MB
  62. Miscellaneous Papers/How Galaxies Got Their Black Holes (2011).pdf 256.5 KB
  63. Miscellaneous Papers/Inflation in an open universe (1995).pdf 1.2 MB
  64. Miscellaneous Papers/Infrared Astronomy and Cosmology (1969).pdf 673.2 KB
  65. Miscellaneous Papers/Interview with Alan Lightman (Harvard, 1990).pdf 3.8 MB
  66. Miscellaneous Papers/Is Cosmology Solved (1999).pdf 235.4 KB
  67. Miscellaneous Papers/Issues for the Next Generation of Galaxy Surveys (1999).pdf 4.2 MB
  68. Miscellaneous Papers/John Wheeler (1911–2008) obituary.pdf 132.9 KB
  69. Miscellaneous Papers/KK 246 (2011).pdf 819.3 KB
  70. Miscellaneous Papers/Large Scale Clustering in the Universe (1978).pdf 1.4 MB
  71. Miscellaneous Papers/Making Sense of Modern Cosmology (2001).pdf 205.3 KB
  72. Miscellaneous Papers/Mass-to-Light Ratio Measurements of Galaxies... (2000).pdf 398.5 KB
  73. Miscellaneous Papers/Massive Coronae of Galaxies (2006).pdf 187.4 KB
  74. Miscellaneous Papers/Material Content of the Universe (1986).pdf 533.9 KB
  75. Miscellaneous Papers/Mean Mass Density of the Universe (1986).pdf 774.1 KB
  76. Miscellaneous Papers/Natural Science of Cosmology (2014).pdf 13.8 MB
  77. Miscellaneous Papers/Nature and Significance of the Mass Distribution in the Universe (1984).pdf 467.5 KB
  78. Miscellaneous Papers/Nature of the Matter Distribution Now and at Z=1000 (1980).pdf 624.4 KB
  79. Miscellaneous Papers/Nearby Galaxies As Pointers To A Better Theory of Cosmic Evolution (2010).pdf 603.1 KB
  80. Miscellaneous Papers/Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Clouds Over the Virtual Observatory ().pdf 156.5 KB
  81. Miscellaneous Papers/Nobel Lecture_ How Physical Cosmology Grew (2019).pdf 346.9 KB
  82. Miscellaneous Papers/Nobel Prize in Physics 2019 - Press Annoucement.pdf 221.7 KB
  83. Miscellaneous Papers/Non-Thermal Primeval Fireball (1971).pdf 588.1 KB
  84. Miscellaneous Papers/Noninteracting Dark Matter (1999).pdf 135.3 KB
  85. Miscellaneous Papers/Nonlinear Limit on Primeval Adiabatic Perturbations (1970).pdf 127.1 KB
  86. Miscellaneous Papers/On the History and Present Situation (2018).pdf 145.2 KB
  87. Miscellaneous Papers/Only the Lonely (2011).pdf 5.8 MB
  88. Miscellaneous Papers/Open Problems in Cosmology (2005).pdf 111.9 KB
  89. Miscellaneous Papers/Origin of the Large-Scale Galaxy Peculiar Velocity Field (1987).pdf 208.4 KB
  90. Miscellaneous Papers/Origin of the Microwave Radio Background (1966).pdf 234.2 KB
  91. Miscellaneous Papers/Phenomenology of the Invisible Universe (2010).pdf 153.0 KB
  92. Miscellaneous Papers/Physics of the Early Universe [review] (1987).pdf 579.0 KB
  93. Miscellaneous Papers/Polar Disk Galaxy Found in Wall Between Voids (2009).pdf 525.1 KB
  94. Miscellaneous Papers/Primeval Adiabatic Perturbation in an Expanding Universe (1970).pdf 423.7 KB
  95. Miscellaneous Papers/Primeval Helium Abundance and the Primeval Fireball (1966).pdf 719.5 KB
  96. Miscellaneous Papers/Primeval Turbulence (1970).pdf 460.8 KB
  97. Miscellaneous Papers/Probing General Relativity on the Scales of Cosmology (2005).pdf 641.5 KB
  98. Miscellaneous Papers/Properties and Distribution of Galaxies in Relation to Their Formation... (1974).pdf 4.8 MB
  99. Miscellaneous Papers/Quintessential inflation (1999).pdf 93.7 KB
  100. Miscellaneous Papers/Research at the Interface of Astronomy and Physics (2000).pdf 83.0 KB
  101. Miscellaneous Papers/Robert Dicke and the Naissance of Experimental Gravity Physics (2017).pdf 2.8 MB
  102. Miscellaneous Papers/Robert Henry Dicke (1997).pdf 920.2 KB
  103. Miscellaneous Papers/Robert Henry Dicke obituary (1997).pdf 1.1 MB
  104. Miscellaneous Papers/Seeing Cosmology Grow (2012).pdf 1.3 MB
  105. Miscellaneous Papers/Significance of Spatial Isotropy (1962).pdf 295.3 KB
  106. Miscellaneous Papers/Small‐Scale Anisotropy of the Cosmic Background Radiation... (1998).pdf 331.0 KB
  107. Miscellaneous Papers/Space Interferometry Mission (2002).pdf 123.6 KB
  108. Miscellaneous Papers/Spatial Clustering of Radio Sources... (1995).pdf 475.2 KB
  109. Miscellaneous Papers/Statistics of Galaxy Orientations (1988).pdf 111.5 KB
  110. Miscellaneous Papers/Statistics of the Distribution of Galaxies (1980).pdf 504.4 KB
  111. Miscellaneous Papers/Status of the Big Bang Cosmology (1993).pdf 1.1 MB
  112. Miscellaneous Papers/Structure Formation in A String-Inspired Modification... (2004).pdf 189.7 KB
  113. Miscellaneous Papers/Structure Formation With Long-Range Scalar Dark Matter Interaction (2005).pdf 255.5 KB
  114. Miscellaneous Papers/Test of the Use of n-Point Galaxy Correlation Functions... (1979).pdf 109.3 KB
  115. Miscellaneous Papers/Tests of cosmological models constrained by inflation (1984).pdf 132.7 KB
  116. Miscellaneous Papers/The Case for the Relativistic Hot Big Bang Cosmology (1991).pdf 1.4 MB
  117. Miscellaneous Papers/The Clustering of Galaxies (1977).pdf 2.2 MB
  118. Miscellaneous Papers/The Cosmic Distance Scale and the Hubble Constant (1993).pdf 538.7 KB
  119. Miscellaneous Papers/The Cosmic Energy Inventory (2004).pdf 372.3 KB
  120. Miscellaneous Papers/The Cosmological Constant and Dark Energy (2003).pdf 390.1 KB
  121. Miscellaneous Papers/The Cosmological Tests (2001).pdf 201.1 KB
  122. Miscellaneous Papers/The Eötvös experiment, spatial isotropy, and generally covariant... (1962).pdf 1.2 MB
  123. Miscellaneous Papers/The fractal galaxy distribution (1989).pdf 716.3 KB
  124. Miscellaneous Papers/The History of the Galaxies (1996).pdf 1.8 MB
  125. Miscellaneous Papers/The Mass of the Universe (1981).pdf 534.1 KB
  126. Miscellaneous Papers/The Origin of Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies (1984).pdf 2.3 MB
  127. Miscellaneous Papers/The Primeval Fireball (1967).pdf 795.0 KB
  128. Miscellaneous Papers/The temperature of meteorites and Dirac's cosmology and Mach's principle (1962).pdf 575.2 KB
  129. Miscellaneous Papers/Time Evolution of Bias (1998).pdf 198.6 KB
  130. Physical Cosmology/Peebles, James - Physical Cosmology (Princeton, 1971).jpg 93.6 KB
  131. Physical Cosmology/Peebles, James - Physical Cosmology (Princeton, 1971).pdf 11.1 MB
  132. Principles of Physical Cosmology/Peebles, James - Principles of Physical Cosmology (Princeton, 1993).jpg 459.5 KB
  133. Principles of Physical Cosmology/Peebles, James - Principles of Physical Cosmology (Princeton, 1993).pdf 34.0 MB
  134. Quantum Mechanics/Peebles, James - Quantum Mechanics (Princeton, 2020).jpg 381.9 KB
  135. Quantum Mechanics/Peebles, James - Quantum Mechanics (Princeton, 2020).pdf 51.8 MB
  136. Whole Truth, The/Peebles, James - The Whole Truth (Princeton, 2022).epub 4.1 MB
  137. Whole Truth, The/Peebles, James - The Whole Truth (Princeton, 2022).jpg 569.3 KB