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Matthew - The Authorship of the Wycliffite Bible, The English Historical Review, 10(37), Jan 1895.pdf
809.8 KB
Hjelm & Thompson (Eds.) - Biblical Interpretation Beyond Historicity. Changing Perspectives 7 (2016).pdf
1.0 MB
Weinberg - Authorship and Author in the Ancient Near East and in the Hebrew Bible, Hebrew Studies, 44, 2003.pdf
1.1 MB
Daschke & Kille (Eds.) - A Cry Instead of Justice. The Bible and Cultures of Violence in Psychological Perspective (2010).pdf
1.2 MB
Sparks - Sacred Word, Broken Word. Biblical Authority and the Dark Side of Scripture (2012).epub
1.2 MB
Reventlow - History of Biblical Interpretation, Vol. 1. From the Old Testament to Origen (2009).pdf
1.4 MB
Stiebert - Rape Myths, the Bible, and #MeToo (2020).pdf
1.7 MB
Damgaard - Rewriting Peter as an Intertextual Character in the Canonical Gospels (2016).pdf
1.7 MB
Stackert - Deuteronomy and the Pentateuch (2022).pdf
1.8 MB
Davies - Rethinking Biblical Scholarship. Changing Perspectives 4 (2014).pdf
1.9 MB
Seibert - The Violence of Scripture. Overcoming the Old Testament’s Troubling Legacy (2012).pdf
2.1 MB
Enns & Byas - Genesis for Normal People. A Guide to the Most Controversial, Misunderstood, and Abused Book of the Bible, 2e (2019).pdf
2.1 MB
Hobson - The Exact Transmission of Texts in the First Millennium B.C.E., PhD Thesis, 2009.pdf
2.4 MB
Reventlow - History of Biblical Interpretation, Vol. 3. Renaissance, Reformation, Humanism (2009).pdf
2.4 MB
Schmid - A Historical Theology of the Hebrew Bible (2019).pdf
2.5 MB
Reventlow - History of Biblical Interpretation, Vol. 2. From Late Antiquity to the end of the Middle Ages (2009).pdf
2.5 MB
Hayes - Introduction to the Bible (2012).epub
2.8 MB
Thompson - Biblical Narrative and Palestine’s History. Changing Perspectives 2 (2013).pdf
2.8 MB
Reventlow - History of Biblical Interpretation, Vol. 4. From the Enlightenment to the Twentieth Century (2009).pdf
3.2 MB
Weaver - The Nonviolent God (2013).pdf
3.4 MB
Seters - Studies in the History, Literature and Religion of Biblical Israel. Changing Perspectives 1 (2011).pdf
3.5 MB
Adamczewski - Hypertextuality and Historicity in the Gospels (2013).pdf
3.5 MB
Havrelock - River Jordan. The Mythology of a Dividing Line (2011).pdf
3.6 MB
Porter & Pitts - Fundamentals of New Testament Textual Criticism (2015).epub
4.4 MB
Feld - The Book of Revolutions. The Battles of Priests, Prophets, and Kings That Birthed the Torah (2022).pdf
9.5 MB
Ages, A. - Voltaire’s Critical Notes in the Old Testament. Portion of La Bible Enfin Expliquee, PhD Thesis, Ohio State U., 1963..pdf
10.0 MB
Korzec (Ed.) - Bible Caught in Violence (2019).pdf
11.0 MB
Gmirkin - Plato’s Timaeus and the Biblical Creation Accounts. Cosmic Monotheism and Terrestrial Polytheism in the Primordial History (2022).pdf
11.5 MB
Gunn & Fewell - Narrative in the Hebrew Bible (1993).pdf
13.5 MB
Adamczewski - The Gospel of John. A Hypertextual Commentary (2018).pdf
15.0 MB
Reber - The Christ of Paul; or, The Enigmas of Christianity (1876).pdf
16.2 MB
Pentiuc (Ed.) - The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Orthodox Christianity (2022).pdf
28.8 MB
Wafula - Biblical Representations of Moab. A Kenyan Postcolonial Reading (2015).pdf
38.8 MB
Allen - Manuscripts of the Book of Revelation. New Philology, Paratexts, Reception (2020).pdf
65.7 MB
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