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  1. A Mind of Her Own_ The Evolutionary Psychology of Women by Anne Campbell.pdf 14.4 MB
  2. A Race Against Time Racial Heresies for the 21st Century (ed. George McDaniel).epub 943.4 KB
  3. A Troublesome Inheritance_ Genes, Race and Human History - Nicholas Wade.epub 844.2 KB
  4. Against Democracy and Equality_ The European New Right - Tomislav Sunic.epub 313.5 KB
  5. Alain De Benoist/Beyond Human Rights_ Defending Freedom - Alain De Benoist.epub 171.7 KB
  6. Alain De Benoist/Manifesto for a European Renaissance - Alain de Benoist, Charles Champetier.epub 111.9 KB
  7. Alain De Benoist/The Problem of Democracy - Alain de Benoist.epub 141.2 KB
  8. Alexander Dugin/Putin vs Putin_ Vladimir Putin Viewed from the Right - Alexander Dugin.epub 444.6 KB
  9. Alexander Dugin/The Fourth Political Theory - Alexander Dugin.epub 285.0 KB
  10. Aryan Imperium_ The Worldview and Geopolitics of the Alt-Right - James O'Meara.epub 234.7 KB
  11. Bertrand de Jouvenel/On power, its nature and the history of its growth - Bertrand de Jouvenel.epub 579.8 KB
  12. Bertrand de Jouvenel/The ethics of redistribution (2010) - Bertrand de Jouvenel.pdf 1.3 MB
  13. Bitter Harvest_ Zimbabwe and the Aftermath of its Independence - Ian Smith.epub 997.2 KB
  14. Carl Schmitt/The Concept of the Political_ E - Schmitt, Carl.epub 323.9 KB
  15. Carl Schmitt/Writings on War - Carl Schmitt.epub 820.4 KB
  16. Case Against the Modern World_ A Crash Course in Traditionalist Thought, The - Daniel Schwindt.epub 436.0 KB
  17. Charles Murray/Coming Apart - The State of White America, 1960-2010 - Charles Murray.epub 4.5 MB
  18. Charles Murray/The Bell Curve_ Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life - Charles Murray, Richard Herrnstein.epub 2.4 MB
  19. Contemporary Voices of White Nationalism in America (ed. Carol M. Swain, Russ Nieli).pdf 1.6 MB
  20. Erik Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn/Leftism from de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse - Erik Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn.epub 3.9 MB
  21. Erik Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn/Liberty or Equality_ The Challenge of Our Times - Erik Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn.pdf 19.8 MB
  22. Erik Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn/Menace of the Herd or Procrustes at Large - Erik Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn.epub 4.1 MB
  23. Ernst Junger/Aladdin's Problem - Ernst Junger.epub 183.5 KB
  24. Ernst Junger/On Pain - Ernst Junger.epub 176.9 KB
  25. Ernst Junger/Storm of Steel - Ernst Junger.epub 331.2 KB
  26. Ernst Junger/The Adventurous Heart_ Figures - Ernst Junger.epub 232.7 KB
  27. Ernst Junger/The Forest Passage - Ernst 401.4 KB
  28. For a Positive Critique_ By a Militant, For Other Militants - Dominique Venner.epub 83.6 KB
  29. G. Edward Griffin/Fearful-Master-A-Second-Look-at-the-United-Nations.pdf 1.1 MB
  30. G. Edward Griffin/The-Chasm-Collectivism-vs-Individualism.pdf 147.4 KB
  31. G. Edward Griffin/The-Creature-from-Jekyll-Island-A-Second-Look-at-the-Federal-Reserve.epub 951.5 KB
  32. G. Edward Griffin/The-Grand-Deception-A-Second-Look-at-the-War-on-Terrorism.pdf 96.1 KB
  33. Gender, Nature, and Nurture (2nd Ed) - Richard A. Lippa.pdf 18.6 MB
  34. Generation Identity - Markus Willinger.epub 205.4 KB
  35. George Lincoln Rockwell/This Time The World - George Lincoln Rockwell.epub 307.2 KB
  36. George Lincoln Rockwell/White Power - George Lincoln Rockwell.epub 360.0 KB
  37. Greg Johnson/Truth, Justice, and a Nice White Country - Greg Johnson.epub 403.9 KB
  38. Guillaume Faye/Archeofuturism_ European Visions of the Post Catastrophic Age - Guillaume Faye.epub 329.9 KB
  39. Guillaume Faye/Convergence of Catastrophes - Guillaume Faye.epub 282.6 KB
  40. Guillaume Faye/Sex and Deviance - Guillaume Faye.epub 389.5 KB
  41. Guillaume Faye/Why We Fight - Guillaume Faye.epub 384.5 KB
  42. Hive Mind_ How Your Nation’s IQ Matters So Much More Than Your Own - Garett Jones.epub 717.2 KB
  43. Jared Taylor/Paved with Good Intentions_ The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America - Jared Taylor.pdf 8.1 MB
  44. Jared Taylor/White Identity Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century - Jared Taylor.epub 505.5 KB
  45. Jonathan Bowden/Extremists_ Studies in Metapolitics - Jonathan 427.2 KB
  46. Jonathan Bowden/Pulp Fascism_ Right-Wing Themes in Comics, Graphic Novels, & Popular Literature (Counter-Currents) - Jonathan Bowden.epub 395.9 KB
  47. Jonathan Bowden/Western Civilization Strikes Back (Counter-Currents) - Jonathan Bowden.pdf 1.2 MB
  48. Jose Ortega y Gasset/The Origin of Philosophy - Jose Ortega y Gasset.pdf 1.4 MB
  49. Jose Ortega y Gasset/The Revolt of the Masses - Jose Ortega y Gasset.pdf 339.6 KB
  50. Jose Ortega y Gasset/What Is Knowledge - Jose Ortega y Gasset.pdf 978.5 KB
  51. Julius Evola/A Handbook for Right Wing Youth - Julius Evola.epub 160.2 KB
  52. Julius Evola/A Traditionalist Confronts Fascism - Julius Evola.epub 887.0 KB
  53. Julius Evola/Fascism Viewed from the Right - Julius Evola.epub 345.5 KB
  54. Julius Evola/Introduction to Magic_ Rituals and Practical Techniques for the Magus - Julius Evola.epub 11.4 MB
  55. Julius Evola/Meditations on the Peaks_ Mountain Climbing as Metaphor for the Spiritual Quest - Julius Evola.epub 344.2 KB
  56. Julius Evola/Metaphysics of Sex_ Eros and the Mysteries of Love by Julius Evola - Julius Evola.PDF 38.8 MB
  57. Julius Evola/Metaphysics of War Essays - Julius Evola.epub 198.9 KB
  58. Julius Evola/Notes on the Third Reich - Julius Evola.epub 202.1 KB
  59. Julius Evola/Revolt Against the Modern World - Julius Evola.pdf 12.8 MB
  60. Julius Evola/Ride the Tiger_ A Survival Manual for the Aristocrats of the Soul - Julius Evola.epub 852.8 KB
  61. Julius Evola/The Mystery of the Grail_ Initiation and Magic in the Quest for the Spirit - Julius Evola.epub 8.6 MB
  62. Kill All Normies_ Online Cultur - Angela Nagle.epub 733.3 KB
  63. Leo Strauss/How to Study Medieval Philosophy - Leo Strauss.pdf 2.1 MB
  64. Leo Strauss/Natural Right and History - Leo Strauss.pdf 1.7 MB
  65. Leo Strauss/Philosophy As Rigorous Science - Leo Strauss.pdf 830.0 KB
  66. Leo Strauss/The City and Man - Leo Strauss.pdf 5.3 MB
  67. Leo Strauss/What is Political Philosophy_ And Other Studies - Leo Strauss.pdf 2.4 MB
  68. Mary R. Lefkowitz/History Lesson_ A Race Odyssey - Mary R. Lefkowitz.epub 2.8 MB
  69. Mary R. Lefkowitz/Not Out of Africa_ How Afrocentrism Became An Excuse to Teach Myth as History - Mary R. Lefkowitz.epub 1.4 MB
  70. Mencius Moldbug - Moldbuggery (A Collection).epub 4.0 MB
  71. Michael O'Meara/Guillaume Faye and the Battle of Europe - Michael O'Meara.epub 189.4 KB
  72. Michael O'Meara/New Culture, New Right_ Anti-Liberalism in Postmodern Europe - Michael O’Meara.epub 398.6 KB
  73. More Artists of the Right (Counter-Currents) - K. R. 454.3 KB
  74. Nationalism and the Moral Psychology of Community - Bernard Yack.pdf 1.8 MB
  75. Nick Land/Fanged Noumena_ Collected Writings 1987-2007 - Nick Land.pdf 13.3 MB
  76. Nick Land/Fiction/Nick Land - Chasm.epub 135.8 KB
  77. Nick Land/Fiction/Nick Land - Phyl-Undhu.epub 117.9 KB
  78. Nick Land/The Thirst for Annihilation_ Georges Bataille and Virulent Nihilism - Nick Land.pdf 1.4 MB
  79. On Genetic Interests_ Family, Ethnicity, and Humanity in an Age of Mass Migration - Frank Kemp Salter.pdf 8.3 MB
  80. On War_ The Collected Columns of William S. Lind 2003-2009 - William S. Lind.epub 1.1 MB
  81. Oswald Spengler/Man and Technics - Oswald Spengler.azw3 1006.8 KB
  82. Oswald Spengler/The Decline of the West - Oswald Spengler.epub 1.0 MB
  83. Paul Gottfried/After Liberalism_ Mass Democracy in the Managerial State - Paul Gottfried.epub 2.4 MB
  84. Paul Gottfried/Conservatism in America Making Sense of the American Right - Paul Gottfried.pdf 1.5 MB
  85. Paul Gottfried/Leo Strauss and the Conservative Movement in America - Paul Gottfried.pdf 2.8 MB
  86. Paul Gottfried/Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt Towards a Secular Theocracy - Paul Gottfried.pdf 6.1 MB
  87. Paul Gottfried/The psychological fictions of J G Ballard - Paul Gottfried.pdf 1.3 MB
  88. Paul Gottfried/The Strange Death of Marxism The European Left in the New Millennium - Paul Gottfried.pdf 1.8 MB
  89. Pawns in the Game, FBI Edition - William Guy Carr.epub 2.2 MB
  90. Propaganda - Edward L. Bernays.epub 181.4 KB
  91. Race, Evolution, and Behavior - A Life History Perspective - John Philippe Rushton.pdf 11.9 MB
  92. Reflections on Violence - Georges Sorel.pdf 1.7 MB
  93. Ricardo Duchesne/Faustian Man in a Multicultural Age - Ricardo Duchesne.epub 409.3 KB
  94. Ricardo Duchesne/The Uniqueness of Western Civilization - Ricardo Duchesne.pdf 2.5 MB
  95. Robert Nisbet/The Present Age_ Progress and Anarchy in Modern America - Robert Nisbet.pdf 556.2 KB
  96. Robert Nisbet/The Quest for Community - Robert Nisbet.epub 410.7 KB
  97. Samuel P. Huntington/The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order - Samuel P. Huntington.epub 1.8 MB
  98. Samuel P. Huntington/The Third Wave_ Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century - Samuel P. Huntington.epub 780.1 KB
  99. Samuel T. Francis/Essential Writings on Race - Samuel T. Francis (ed. Jared Taylor).epub 166.8 KB
  100. Samuel T. Francis/Leviathan and Its Enemies_ Mass Organization and Managerial Power in Twentieth-Century America - Samuel T. Francis.epub 590.4 KB
  101. Sex on the Brain_ The Biological Differences Between Men and Women - Deborah Blum.epub 401.3 KB
  102. Sexual Utopia in Power_ The Feminist Revolt Against Civilization (Counter-Currents) - F. Roger Devlin.epub 523.2 KB
  103. Siege_ The Collected Writings of James Mason - James Mason.epub 2.8 MB
  104. Some Thoughts on Hitler and Other Essays (Counter Currents) - Irmin Vinson, Greg Johnson, Kevin B. MacDonald.epub 1.7 MB
  105. The Blank Slate_The Modern Denial of Human Nature - Steven Pinker.epub 1.3 MB
  106. The Camp of the Saints_ A Novel - Jean Raspail.epub 453.7 KB
  107. The English in the West Indies; or, The Bow of Ulysses - James Anthony Froude.epub 929.0 KB
  108. The Essential Difference_ Male and Female Brains and the Truth About Autism - Simon Baron-Cohen .epub 2.1 MB
  109. The Fourth Turning - William Strauss, Neil Howe.epub 4.0 MB
  110. The g Factor_ The Science of Mental Ability - Arthur R. Jensen.pdf 24.8 MB
  111. The Global Bell Curve_ Race, IQ, and Inequality Worldwide - Richard Lynn.pdf 5.5 MB
  112. The Homo and the Negro (Counter-Currents) - James J. O'Meara .epub 466.2 KB
  113. The Language of Hate_ A Corpus Lingusitic Analysis of White Supremacist Language -Andrew Brindle.pdf 2.2 MB
  114. The Politically Incorrect Reader - F. Roger Devlin, Gregory Hood, Lawrence Murray, Peter Frost, Steve Sailer, Kevin MacDonald, Andrew Joyce, Clare Ellis, et. al.epub 1.0 MB
  115. The Poverty of Multiculturalism - Patrick West .epub 164.6 KB
  116. The Specious Origins of Liberalism_ The Genesis of a Delusion - Anthony M. Ludovici.pdf 664.6 KB
  117. The Turner Diaries_ A Novel - William Pierce.pdf 858.3 KB
  118. Vox Day/SJWs Always Double Down - Vox Day.azw3 1011.4 KB
  119. Vox Day/SJWs Always Lie - Vox Day.epub 1.9 MB
  120. War Is a Racket - Smedley Butler.epub 6.6 MB
  121. White Girl Bleed A Lot_ The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It - Colin Flaherty.epub 3.7 MB
  122. White Like You - Spencer J. Quinn.epub 547.2 KB
  123. Why Race Matters_ Race Differences and What They Mean - Michael Levin.epub 2.0 MB
  124. William Easterly/The Tyranny of Experts_ Economists, Dictators, and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor - William Easterly.pdf 2.2 MB
  125. William Easterly/The White Man's Burden_ Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good - William Easterly.epub 1.0 MB

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