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  1. Download Free Programming course .url 113 bytes
  2. Skill Programming course.url 117 bytes
  3. Get programming skill.url 122 bytes
  4. Like 2M Programming Facebook Page update every time.url 137 bytes
  5. Section 13 Exceptions/006 Content Coming Soon.html 1.2 KB
  6. Section 12 Object Oriented Python/006 Content Coming Soon.html 1.2 KB
  7. Section 16 Putting it all together/002 Content Coming Soon.html 1.2 KB
  8. Section 14 Packages/004 Content Coming Soon.html 1.3 KB
  9. Section 12 Object Oriented Python/002 Classes and Inheritance.html 1.3 KB
  10. Section 12 Object Oriented Python/004 Encapsulation in Python.html 1.3 KB
  11. Section 16 Putting it all together/001 A Python adventure game.html 1.3 KB
  12. Section 11 Modules and Functions/007 Content Coming Soon.html 1.3 KB
  13. Section 14 Packages/001 Packages.html 1.3 KB
  14. Section 15 Generators, Comprehensions and Lambda Expressions/001 Generators.html 1.3 KB
  15. Section 12 Object Oriented Python/003 Composition.html 1.3 KB
  16. Section 13 Exceptions/004 Cleaning Up.html 1.3 KB
  17. Section 9 Dictionaries and Sets/001 Introduction.html 1.3 KB
  18. Section 12 Object Oriented Python/005 Polymorphism.html 1.3 KB
  19. Section 13 Exceptions/001 Introduction Errors versus Exceptions.html 1.3 KB
  20. Section 15 Generators, Comprehensions and Lambda Expressions/002 List, Dictionary and Set comprehensions.html 1.3 KB
  21. Section 11 Modules and Functions/006 Arguments Lists.html 1.3 KB
  22. Section 10 Input and Output (IO) in Python/002 Content Coming Soon.html 1.3 KB
  23. Section 13 Exceptions/003 Raising Exceptions.html 1.3 KB
  24. Section 11 Modules and Functions/002 Modules and import.html 1.3 KB
  25. Section 15 Generators, Comprehensions and Lambda Expressions/003 Lambda Expressions.html 1.3 KB
  26. Section 13 Exceptions/002 Handling Exceptions.html 1.3 KB
  27. Section 11 Modules and Functions/004 Functions in Python.html 1.3 KB
  28. Section 14 Packages/003 Virtual Environments.html 1.3 KB
  29. Section 14 Packages/002 The Pip package manager.html 1.3 KB
  30. Section 11 Modules and Functions/005 Parameters and Arguments.html 1.3 KB
  31. Section 13 Exceptions/005 Defining our own exceptions.html 1.3 KB
  32. Section 11 Modules and Functions/003 The standard Python library.html 1.3 KB
  33. Section 10 Input and Output (IO) in Python/001 Binary files - pickle and shelve.html 1.3 KB
  34. Section 15 Generators, Comprehensions and Lambda Expressions/004 Content Coming Soon.html 1.3 KB
  35. Section 11 Modules and Functions/001 Introduction to Modules and Functions.html 1.3 KB
  36. Section 12 Object Oriented Python/001 What is Obect Oriented Programming OOP.html 1.3 KB
  37. Section 18 Extras/001 Links to Tims Other Programming Courses on Udemy.html 2.2 KB
  38. Section 17 Contents to come!/001 List of content to be added.html 3.5 KB
  39. Section 18 Extras/002 Source code for all Programs.html 14.7 KB
  40. Section 7 Lists, Ranges & Tuples/001 Introduction.mp4 3.3 MB
  41. Section 10 Input and Output (IO) in Python/001 Introduction to the Section.mp4 3.8 MB
  42. Section 11 Modules and Functions/001 Introduction to the Section.mp4 4.6 MB
  43. Section 6 Program Flow Control/001 Introduction.mp4 4.9 MB
  44. Section 9 Dictionaries and Sets/001 Introduction to the Section.mp4 5.1 MB
  45. Section 3 Setup for Mac/001 Introduction.mp4 5.3 MB
  46. Section 2 Setup for Windows/001 Introduction.mp4 6.0 MB
  47. Section 5 The Basics/001 Introduction.mp4 7.1 MB
  48. Section 4 Setup for Linux/001 Introduction.mp4 7.6 MB
  49. Section 3 Setup for Mac/002 Installing Python on a Mac.mp4 9.1 MB
  50. Section 2 Setup for Windows/005 Configuring IntelliJ on Windows.mp4 10.3 MB
  51. Section 8 The Binary number system explained/002 Binary Basics.mp4 11.2 MB
  52. Section 8 The Binary number system explained/001 Introduction to the Section.mp4 11.2 MB
  53. Section 6 Program Flow Control/002 Introduction.mp4 11.7 MB
  54. Section 6 Program Flow Control/005 If Challenge.mp4 11.8 MB
  55. Section 4 Setup for Linux/005 Configuring IntelliJ on Linux.mp4 12.6 MB
  56. Section 4 Setup for Linux/002 Install Python on Linux.mp4 13.2 MB
  57. Section 2 Setup for Windows/002 Installing Python on Windows.mp4 13.8 MB
  58. Section 4 Setup for Linux/003 Running IDLE on Linux.mp4 14.2 MB
  59. Section 7 Lists, Ranges & Tuples/004 Lists Challenge.mp4 14.7 MB
  60. Section 6 Program Flow Control/009 Augmented Assignment.mp4 15.6 MB
  61. Section 5 The Basics/003 Introduction Part 2.mp4 16.4 MB
  62. Section 7 Lists, Ranges & Tuples/007 Ranges Part 2.mp4 16.9 MB
  63. Section 7 Lists, Ranges & Tuples/005 Iterators.mp4 17.5 MB
  64. Section 6 Program Flow Control/006 For Loop.mp4 19.2 MB
  65. Section 7 Lists, Ranges & Tuples/003 Lists Part 2.mp4 19.8 MB
  66. Section 5 The Basics/004 Variables.mp4 20.6 MB
  67. Section 3 Setup for Mac/004 Installing IntelliJ on a Mac.mp4 22.1 MB
  68. Section 6 Program Flow Control/007 For Loop Part 2.mp4 22.6 MB
  69. Section 5 The Basics/005 Variables Part 2.mp4 22.9 MB
  70. Section 2 Setup for Windows/003 Running IDLE on Windows.mp4 23.8 MB
  71. Section 7 Lists, Ranges & Tuples/006 Ranges.mp4 24.1 MB
  72. Section 6 Program Flow Control/004 IF Statement Part 2.mp4 25.2 MB
  73. Section 2 Setup for Windows/004 Installing IntelliJ on Windows.mp4 25.7 MB
  74. Section 4 Setup for Linux/004 Installing IntelliJ on Linux.mp4 25.8 MB
  75. Section 8 The Binary number system explained/003 What is binary.mp4 26.0 MB
  76. Section 1 Introduction/001 Introduction to the course.mp4 26.4 MB
  77. Section 7 Lists, Ranges & Tuples/002 Introduction to Lists.mp4 28.1 MB
  78. Section 3 Setup for Mac/005 Configuring IntelliJ on a Mac.mp4 28.7 MB
  79. Section 6 Program Flow Control/008 Continue Break Else.mp4 29.3 MB
  80. Section 7 Lists, Ranges & Tuples/008 Tuples.mp4 32.2 MB
  81. Section 9 Dictionaries and Sets/002 Python Dictionaries.mp4 35.1 MB
  82. Section 9 Dictionaries and Sets/007 The Second Dictionary Challenge.mp4 35.3 MB
  83. Section 7 Lists, Ranges & Tuples/009 Tuples Part 2 and a Challenge.mp4 35.8 MB
  84. Section 9 Dictionaries and Sets/008 Sets.mp4 39.4 MB
  85. Section 6 Program Flow Control/003 If Statement.mp4 41.1 MB
  86. Section 9 Dictionaries and Sets/003 Dictionaries Part 2.mp4 44.5 MB
  87. Section 18 Extras/001 Tims Other Programming Courses on Udemy.mp4 44.5 MB
  88. Section 10 Input and Output (IO) in Python/002 Reading and writing text files.mp4 46.0 MB
  89. Section 8 The Binary number system explained/004 Hexadecimal and Octal and the Challenge.mp4 46.0 MB
  90. Section 5 The Basics/006 String Formatting.mp4 47.6 MB
  91. Section 3 Setup for Mac/003 Running the IDLE 3 IDE on a Mac.mp4 48.3 MB
  92. Section 5 The Basics/002 Introduction.mp4 50.8 MB
  93. Section 9 Dictionaries and Sets/005 Dictionaries Challenge.mp4 52.3 MB
  94. Section 9 Dictionaries and Sets/006 More on Dictionaries.mp4 54.4 MB
  95. Section 9 Dictionaries and Sets/009 Python Sets Part 2 and Challenge.mp4 57.1 MB
  96. Section 9 Dictionaries and Sets/004 Dictionaries Part 3.mp4 62.3 MB
  97. Section 6 Program Flow Control/010 Program Flow Challenge.mp4 66.3 MB
  98. Section 6 Program Flow Control/011 Program Flow Challenge Part 2.mp4 68.9 MB

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