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  1. 1.WelcometovSphere6.5.mp4 12.0 MB
  2. 10.1 Important New Hardware Options for vSphere 6.7.mp4 23.4 MB
  3. 10.Deploying a VM using vCenter 6.7.mp4 55.1 MB
  4. 10.DeployingaVM.mp4 86.3 MB
  5. 11.VirtualvSwitchOverview.mp4 82.9 MB
  6. 12.Configuring Standard vSwitches in vSphere 6.7.mp4 44.0 MB
  7. 12.vSwitchCreationandConfiguration.mp4 96.5 MB
  8. 13.1 Building Your Best Windows VMs in vSphere 6.7.mp4 23.2 MB
  9. 13.AddingMorevSwitches.mp4 10.2 MB
  10. 14.iSCSIDatastoreConcepts.mp4 27.5 MB
  11. 15.CreatinganiSCSIDatastore.mp4 71.7 MB
  12. 16.ManagingVMFSDatastores.mp4 20.4 MB
  13. 17.1 Creating and Managing Datastores in vSphere 6.7.mp4 57.1 MB
  14. 17.CreatinganNFSDatastore.mp4 41.1 MB
  15. 18.VMTemplatesandCloning.mp4 93.1 MB
  16. 19.UsingContentLibraries.mp4 56.2 MB
  17. 2.HypervisorOverview.mp4 27.8 MB
  18. 20.CloningaVMFromaVM.mp4 27.6 MB
  19. 21.vMotionandMigrationofVMs.mp4 109.2 MB
  20. 22.UsingSnapshots.mp4 73.4 MB
  21. 23.1 Folders, Libraries, and Templates in vSphere 6.7.mp4 62.4 MB
  22. 23.2 Snapshots and vMotion in vSphere 6.7.mp4 54.9 MB
  23. 23.VMInventoryandRenaming.mp4 66.1 MB
  24. 24.NICTeamingandOtherStandardvSwitchPolicies.mp4 79.0 MB
  25. 25.DistributedvSwitchConceptsandLab.mp4 92.0 MB
  26. 26.DistributedvSwitchAdditionalFeatures.mp4 24.7 MB
  27. 27.1 Advanced vSphere 6.7 Networking with Standard and Distributed Switches.mp4 55.2 MB
  28. 27.vDSFeatureConfiguration.mp4 121.8 MB
  29. 28.CreatingaDRSCluster.mp4 90.6 MB
  30. 29.AffinityRuleConcepts.mp4 21.6 MB
  31. 3.vSphereOverview.mp4 52.9 MB
  32. 30.ImplementingAffinityRules.mp4 56.2 MB
  33. 31.vSphereHighAvailabilityHAConcepts.mp4 31.3 MB
  34. 32.ImplementingHighAvailabilityHA.mp4 68.5 MB
  35. 33.1 Creating DRS, HA, and EVC clusters in vSphere 6.7.mp4 60.7 MB
  36. 33.TestingvSphereHighAvailabilityHA.mp4 53.3 MB
  37. 34.AddingiSCSIMultipath.mp4 34.2 MB
  38. 35.MigratingVMKernelAdapterstoavDS.mp4 59.5 MB
  39. 36.VMCPUandMemoryControlOverview.mp4 62.8 MB
  40. 37.ConfiguringVMCPULimitsandReservations.mp4 46.1 MB
  41. 38.UsingResourcePools.mp4 40.8 MB
  42. 39.ResourcePoolConcepts.mp4 51.4 MB
  43. 4. Installing ESXi 6.7.mp4 12.0 MB
  44. 4.InstallingESXi.mp4 38.5 MB
  45. 40.1 . Configuring Resource Pools and vApps in vSphere 6.7.mp4 59.6 MB
  46. 40.vApps.mp4 77.2 MB
  47. 41.StorageDRS.mp4 62.0 MB
  48. 42.VMFaultToleranceFTConcepts.mp4 34.1 MB
  49. 43.1 Configuring VM Fault Tolerance in vSphere 6.7.mp4 51.8 MB
  50. 43.ImplementingFT.mp4 77.0 MB
  51. 44.vCenterServerAlarms.mp4 77.5 MB
  52. 45.AddinganLDAPIdentitySource.mp4 54.9 MB
  53. 46.1 Delegating vSphere 6.7 access to Active Directory Users.mp4 56.9 MB
  54. 46.vCenterPermissions.mp4 78.8 MB
  55. 47.TroubleshootingvCSAPermissions.mp4 21.7 MB
  56. 48.vSAN.mp4 98.2 MB
  57. 49.1 Hyperconverging with vSAN on vSphere 6.7.mp4 55.7 MB
  58. 49.vSANTidbits.mp4 24.1 MB
  59. 5. Using the DCUI on ESXi 6.7.mp4 14.9 MB
  60. 5.UsingtheDCUI.mp4 35.8 MB
  61. 50.TroubleshootingvCSANotResponding.mp4 59.0 MB
  62. 51.2 Creating Tags and Storage Policies in vSphere 6.7.mp4 47.8 MB
  63. 51.3 Virtual Machine Encryption Concepts in vSphere 6.7.mp4 47.8 MB
  64. 51.4 Encrypting Virtual Machines in vSphere 6.7.mp4 21.4 MB
  65. 51.StoragePolicy-basedManagementSPBM.mp4 70.0 MB
  66. 52.vSANFaultDomains.mp4 23.8 MB
  67. 53.1 Configuring Storage DRS Clusters and Storage IO Control in vSphere 6.7.mp4 54.3 MB
  68. 53.1 Using PowerCLI to manage vSphere 6.7.mp4 66.7 MB
  69. 53.StorageI_OControlSIOC.mp4 24.2 MB
  70. 54.ESXiHostProfiles.mp4 42.6 MB
  71. 55.1 Updating Hosts and VMs using vSphere 6.7 Update Manager.mp4 59.9 MB
  72. 55.vSphereUpdateManager.mp4 50.2 MB
  73. 56.1 Instant Cloning a Virtual Machine in vSphere 6.7.mp4 60.9 MB
  74. 56.ESXiShellSSHandCLI.mp4 71.2 MB
  75. 57.AutoDeployConcepts.mp4 42.0 MB
  76. 58.ImplementingAutoDeploy.mp4 121.1 MB
  77. 59.ESXiLockdownMode.mp4 54.4 MB
  78. 6. Using the ESXi 6.7 Host Client.mp4 37.5 MB
  79. 6.1 Troubleshooting ESXi 6.7 Networking From The DCUI.mp4 24.3 MB
  80. 6.TheVMwareHostClient.mp4 44.8 MB
  81. 60.InstallingWindowsCertificateServices.mp4 20.3 MB
  82. 61.vCSAIntegrationwithExternalCAsOverview.mp4 20.3 MB
  83. 62.ReplacingvCSACertificatesLab.mp4 78.6 MB
  84. 63.TroubleshootingReservations.mp4 81.1 MB
  85. 64.TroubleshootingVMNetworkConnectivity.mp4 34.0 MB
  86. 65.TroubleshootingAdmissionControl.mp4 32.3 MB
  87. 66.TroubleshootingVMFaultTolerance.mp4 37.2 MB
  88. 67.MonitoringCPU.mp4 51.4 MB
  89. 68.WorkingwithDatastores.mp4 70.5 MB
  90. 69.PluggableStorageArchitecture.mp4 74.5 MB
  91. 7.Deploying the vSphere 6.7 vCSA.mp4 57.2 MB
  92. 7.DeployingthevCSA.mp4 88.8 MB
  93. 70.1 Upgrading to vSphere 6.7.mp4 54.2 MB
  94. 70.vCenterHighAvailabilityHAConcepts.mp4 23.9 MB
  95. 71.vCenterHAImplementation.mp4 81.5 MB
  96. 72.UsingVMwareDocsandPDFs.mp4 34.9 MB
  97. 73.vCenterConverter.mp4 21.5 MB
  98. 74.CertificationandExamPrep_Guidance.mp4 28.9 MB
  99. 8.Adding Hosts to vCenter 6.7.mp4 36.9 MB
  100. 8.AddingHoststovCenter.mp4 70.9 MB
  101. 9.vCenter 6.7's Updated Management UI.mp4 24.0 MB
  102. 9.vCSAManagementUI.mp4 46.3 MB
  103. CBT-Nuggets-VMware-vSphere-6.5.jpg 35.7 KB

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