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  1. Williman, D. - Schism within the Curia; The Twin Papal Elections of 1378. J. Ecclesiastical History, 59, (2008), pp 29-47.pdf 258.8 KB
  2. Michuta - Why Catholic Bibles Are Bigger; the Untold Story of the Lost Books of the Protestant Bible (2007).epub 353.4 KB
  3. Forde - The Captivation of the Will; Luther vs. Erasmus on Freedom and Bondage (2005).epub 468.2 KB
  4. Allison & Castaldo - The Unfinished Reformation; What Unites and Divides Catholics, and Protestants after 500 Years (2016).epub 530.7 KB
  5. Wariboko - The Split God; Pentecostalism and Critical Theory (2018).epub 630.6 KB
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  14. Robinson - The Career of Cardinal Giovanni Morone (1509–1580); Between Council and Inquisition (2012).pdf 2.3 MB
  15. Roobol - Disputation by Decree; The Public Disputations between Reformed Ministers and Dirck Volckertszoon Coornhert… (2010).pdf 2.7 MB
  16. Cleenewerck - His Broken Body; Understanding and Healing the Schism Between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches (2007).pdf 2.9 MB
  17. Bitton-Ashkelony & Krueger (Eds.) - Prayer and Worship in Eastern Christianities, 5th to 11th Centuries (2017).pdf 3.3 MB
  18. Needham - 2000 Years of Christ’s Power, Vol. 4; the Age of Religious Conflict, 16th to 18th Century (2016).epub 4.0 MB
  19. Loewenstein - Treacherous Faith; The Specter of Heresy in Early Modern English Literature and Culture (2013).pdf 4.6 MB
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  25. Thijssen - Censure and Heresy at the University of Paris, 1200-1400 (1998).pdf 7.9 MB
  26. Chung-Kim - Inventing Authority; The Use of the Church Fathers in Reformation Debates over the Eucharist (2011).pdf 9.3 MB
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  30. McGlothlin - Resurrection as Salvation; Development and Conflict in Pre-Nicen Paulinism (2018).pdf 22.5 MB
  31. Haykin - The Spirit of God; the Exegesis of 1 And 2 Corinthians in the Pneumatomachian Controversy of the Fourth Century (1994).pdf 22.7 MB
  32. Dunderberg et al - Fair Play; Diversity and Conflicts in Early Christianity (2002).pdf 33.0 MB
  33. Ocker - Luther Conflict and Christendom; Reformation Europe and Christianity in the West (2018).pdf 49.1 MB
  34. MacCulloch - Tudor Church Militant; Edward VI and the Protestant Reformation (1999).epub 88.2 MB
  35. Fraser - The King and the Catholics; England, Ireland, and the Fight for Religious Freedom, 1780-1829 (2018).epub 111.0 MB

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