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  1. CT-25 The Tabernacle in the Wilderness.mp3 45.7 MB
  2. CT-26 The Biblical Formula For Success! (Judges 6) [No B Side].mp3 41.3 MB
  3. CT-27 The Church - It's Basic Meaning.mp3 32.6 MB
  4. CT-28 The Church - Pillar and Ground Of Truth (I Timothy 3).mp3 38.3 MB
  5. CT-29 The Church - It's Four-Fold Glory.mp3 42.9 MB
  6. CT-30 The Greatest Need Of The Church (Romans 13).mp3 38.3 MB
  7. CT-32 God's Hidden Ones (Psalms 83, II Chronicles 20).mp3 41.2 MB
  8. CT-33 Essential Meaning Of Spirituality (I John 2).mp3 0 bytes
  9. CT-34 Abraham - A Study Of God's Call To Men Of Faith (Gen 13).mp3 39.9 MB
  10. CT-36 The Shepherdhood Of Christ (Psalms 23).mp3 51.9 MB
  11. CT-37 The Uncrowned King (II Sam 15).mp3 43.7 MB
  12. CT-38 The Cure For Spiritual Failure (Deuteronomy 4-29).mp3 40.8 MB
  13. CT-40 Out Of Revival - Into The Desert (Acts 8).mp3 31.0 MB
  14. CT-42 A Bruised Reed (Matt 12-20).mp3 34.8 MB
  15. CT-43 What Is The Christian's Cross (Luke 14).mp3 42.9 MB
  16. CT-44 From Lodebar…A Place Of No Pastures (II Sam 9).mp3 41.7 MB
  17. CT-45 God's Cure For Misery (Ps 77).mp3 41.6 MB
  18. CT-46 Preparation For Service (Is 6).mp3 35.2 MB
  19. CT-47 A Hole In Rome (Romans 8).mp3 40.4 MB
  20. CT-48 The Secret Of God's Rest (Matthew 11-28).mp3 27.5 MB
  21. CT-49A Turn Your Sunday School Into A Bible School [Audio Echo].mp3 41.5 MB
  22. CT-49B Absalom (I Sam 15) [cut].mp3 40.8 MB
  23. CT-51 Elijah - A Study In Balance (I Kings 17).mp3 43.1 MB
  24. CT-52 The Laws Of The Offerings (Heb 7,8) + Communion.mp3 61.7 MB
  25. CT-53 The Only Judgment That Really Counts! (I Cor 4-4).mp3 47.0 MB
  26. CT-54 The First Three! (II Samuel 23-19).mp3 51.3 MB
  27. CT-55 Methegammah - Or, Tackle The Toughest Problem First (II Samuel 8).mp3 68.3 MB
  28. CT-56 Be Of Good Cheer! (Matthew 14_27-33).mp3 46.9 MB
  29. CT-57 God's Will And Our Expectancies! (Romans 1-10).mp3 49.2 MB
  30. CT-58 Entering The Promised Land - Volume I (Joshua).mp3 66.7 MB
  31. CT-59 Entering The Promised Land - Volume II (Joshua) [Dual Audio].mp3 62.8 MB
  32. CT-60 Ebed - Melich - The Heathen Who Out-Performed The Saints (Jer 38).mp3 51.8 MB
  33. Doc Plays the Sax2.mp3 4.6 MB
  34. Doc's Tribute to Jake Hess.mp3 6.7 MB
  35. Dr Gene Scott - Doc Plays The Sax - Follow Me.mp3 11.5 MB
  36. Folder.jpg 6.6 KB
  37. H-1 1st Shalom Service at King's House #1 5 Nov 2000.mp3 147.0 MB
  38. H-23 Romans Series-Romans 3 Verse 27 (A) 4-25-2004.mp3 8.4 MB
  39. H-24 Romans Series-Romans 3 Verse 26 (C) 7-25-2004.mp3 5.7 MB
  40. I Wanna Know 4.mp3 2.2 MB
  41. I Wanna Know.mp3 2.2 MB
  42. Jake Hess at Faith Center.mp3 3.2 MB
  43. LF-153 - 1979-11-25 - Four Mountains In A Troubled Land.mp3 9.7 MB
  44. LF-166 Resurrection - Faith to Faith Romans Series.mp3 26.2 MB
  45. LF-40 The Book of Hebrews - The Unpardonable Sin.mp3 57.0 MB
  46. LFH-1 [LF-1] The Book of Hebrews - An Introduction.mp3 37.7 MB
  47. LFH-10 [LF-10] The Book of Hebrews - Review of Hebrews 1 & on to Chapter 2.mp3 27.8 MB
  48. LFH-11 [LF-11] The Book of Hebrews - Jesus, the Author & Finisher of Faith; What God Wants from Christians.mp3 26.4 MB
  49. LFH-12 [LF-12] The Book of Hebrews - Jesus & His Church; Salvation [Soterion] and Reaching Our Full Destiny in Him.mp3 28.1 MB
  50. LFH-13 [LF-13] The Book of Hebrews - He Wouldn't Do It For Angels.mp3 26.9 MB
  51. LFH-15 [LF-14] The Book of Hebrews - David & Goliath.mp3 26.6 MB
  52. LFH-16 [LF-15] The Book of Hebrews - The Tabernacle [The Holy of Holies] & The High Priest [Vestments & Breastplate]; God's Bible Covenant Plan [The Garden of Eden to Present].mp3 24.7 MB
  53. LFH-17 [LF-16] The Book of Hebrews - Holiness (Jesus Is the One We Are to Consider).mp3 24.9 MB
  54. LFH-18 [LF-17] The Book of Hebrews - Jesus, the Son of Man.mp3 30.3 MB
  55. LFH-19 [LF-18] The Book of Hebrews - One Who Was Faithful ... Consider Him.mp3 30.3 MB
  56. LFH-2 [LF-2] The Book of Hebrews - Jesus, from the Gospel According to God the Father - What the Babe in the Manger is All About.mp3 44.2 MB
  57. LFH-20 [LF-19] The Book of Hebrews - The Creator of the Worlds Takes the Trouble to Lead this Vessel of Clay (There Are No New Truths).mp3 29.1 MB
  58. LFH-21 [LF-20] The Book of Hebrews - Holding Fast; There Will Be a Tone, a Ring, a Note.mp3 34.1 MB
  59. LFH-22 [LF-21] The Book of Hebrews - The Tongue that Speaks Hope.mp3 47.7 MB
  60. LFH-23 [LF-22] The Book of Hebrews - Israel & The Provocation - God Is Not a Man That He Would Lie.mp3 38.8 MB
  61. LFH-24 [LF-23] The Book of Hebrews - Provocation and Temptation - Example from the Old Testament.mp3 42.1 MB
  62. LFH-25 [LF-24] The Book of Hebrews - Seven Churches of Revelation - Ephesus.mp3 47.5 MB
  63. LFH-26 [LF-25] The Book of Hebrews - Seven Churches of Revelation - Smyrna.mp3 49.8 MB
  64. LFH-27 [LF-26] The Book of Hebrews - Seven Churches of Revelation - Pergamos.mp3 38.8 MB
  65. LFH-28 [LF-27] The Book of Hebrews - Seven Churches of Revelation - Thyatira.mp3 47.1 MB
  66. LFH-29 [LF-28] The Book of Hebrews - Seven Churches of Revelation - Sardis.mp3 41.1 MB
  67. LFH-3 [LF-3] The Book of Hebrews - A 70 League Review - The Unique View of God Regarding His Son.mp3 40.5 MB
  68. LFH-30 [LF-29] The Book of Hebrews - Seven Churches of Revelation - Philadelphia.mp3 41.3 MB
  69. LFH-31 [LF-30] The Book of Hebrews - Seven Churches of Revelation - Laodicea.mp3 48.2 MB
  70. LFH-32 [LF-31] The Book of Hebrews - Take Heed Brethren.mp3 41.4 MB
  71. LFH-33 [LF-32] The Book of Hebrews - Rest.mp3 59.7 MB
  72. LFH-34 [LF-33] The Book of Hebrews - Grace vs. Works.mp3 51.9 MB
  73. LFH-35 [LF-34] The Book of Hebrews - Laboring.mp3 45.4 MB
  74. LFH-36 [LF-35] The Book of Hebrews - Let Us Therefore Fear.mp3 31.5 MB
  75. LFH-37 [LF-36] The Book of Hebrews - The Tongue - Holding Fast Our Confession.mp3 31.5 MB
  76. LFH-38 [LF-37] The Book of Hebrews - Christ, the High Priest.mp3 40.2 MB
  77. LFH-39 [LF-38] The Book of Hebrews - Spiritual Food.mp3 41.4 MB
  78. LFH-4 [LF-4] The Book of Hebrews - God Spoke Through His Son.mp3 42.2 MB
  79. LFH-40 [LF-39] The Book of Hebrews - The Unpardonable Sin.mp3 6.6 MB
  80. LFH-41 [LF-40] The Book of Hebrews - The Tabernacle.mp3 58.7 MB
  81. LFH-42 [LF-41] The Book of Hebrews - Salvation Has Inevitable Accompaniments.mp3 54.7 MB
  82. LFH-43 [LF-42] The Book of Hebrews - Falling Short, and the Fruits of the Spirit.mp3 72.2 MB
  83. LFH-44 [LF-43] The Book of Hebrews - Our Responsibilities.mp3 67.6 MB
  84. LFH-45 [LF-44] The Book of Hebrews - Run to The Refuge of Jesus - We Are In The Midst of Very Strong Warnings.mp3 41.4 MB
  85. LFH-46 [LF-45] The Book of Hebrews - Jesus, The Forerunner.mp3 50.4 MB
  86. LFH-47 The Book of Hebrews -  Melchizedek, a Type of Christ, What Is Christianity.mp3 26.7 MB
  87. LFH-47 [LF-46] The Book of Hebrews - Melchizedek, a Type of Christ; What Is Christianity.mp3 57.6 MB
  88. LFH-48 [LF-47] The Book of Hebrews - God Has A Man.mp3 61.1 MB
  89. LFH-49 [LF-48] The Book of Hebrews - The Mount & The Pattern.mp3 53.7 MB
  90. LFH-5 [LF-5] The Book of Hebrews - The ABC's of Faith.mp3 38.5 MB
  91. LFH-50 [LF-49] The Book of Hebrews - The Tabernacle; King of Kings and Lord of Lords.mp3 43.0 MB
  92. LFH-51 [LF-50] The Book of Hebrews - The Tabernacle.mp3 55.2 MB
  93. LFH-52 [LF-51] The Book of Hebrews - The Tabernacle.mp3 53.0 MB
  94. LFH-53 [LF-52] The Book of Hebrews - The Tabernacle; How About the Oil in Your Cup.mp3 56.2 MB
  95. LFH-54 [LF-53] The Book of Hebrews - The Tabernacle, the Cherubim Fold Their Wings in Worship, (includes Communion, C-210).mp3 40.2 MB
  96. LFH-55 [LF-54] The Book of Hebrews - The Tabernacle, Whosoever Will May Come (includes Communion, C-209).mp3 35.7 MB
  97. LFH-6 [LF-6] The Book of Hebrews - Destined-ness.mp3 41.7 MB
  98. LFH-7 [LF-7] The Book of Hebrews - Overview of Hebrews 1 with Transition to Chapter 2; Jesus, Peter and the Mount of Transfiguration.mp3 41.1 MB
  99. LFH-8 [LF-8] The Book of Hebrews - Jesus, Our High Priest, the Captain of Our Salvation & the First Goer.mp3 40.0 MB
  100. LFH-9 [LF-9] The Book of Hebrews - The Names of God.mp3 22.9 MB
  101. contents.txt 6.6 KB

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