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  1. S-3551 1991 Lost Tribes The Birthright Promises.mp3 10.4 MB
  2. S-3558 1991 Difference Between Israel & Judah.mp3 4.5 MB
  3. S-3563 1991 Gods Promises & The Sons of Zarah.mp3 3.3 MB
  4. S-3566 1991 Gods Control Over History.mp3 7.9 MB
  5. S-3568 1991 Gods Promises & Genesis Chapter 38 Zarah & Pharez.mp3 5.7 MB
  6. S-3580 1991 The Promises - Birthright to Joseph Scepter & Law Making Judah.mp3 4.5 MB
  7. S-3582 Disobedient Balaam & the Ass That Could See 1991-07-25.mp3 5.4 MB
  8. S-3585 Two Streams of Promises via Some of God's Shocking Stories 1991-07-31.mp3 5.6 MB
  9. S-3586 -1991-08-01 - Litany of The Kings of Israel (I Kings 11-17).mp3 4.9 MB
  10. S-3589 1991 Review of Gods Promises.mp3 8.7 MB
  11. S-3601-3602 Last Day Events -The Church Rights and History vs. Government, Prophecy, God's In Control, A Letter From Jesus.mp3 43.7 MB
  12. S-3608 Martin Luther.mp3 23.2 MB
  13. S-3620b - 2 OF 2 - UFO Sightings and Crash, The Roswell Incident by Charles Berlitz - 10-9-91.mp3 7.2 MB
  14. S-3621 - The Roswell Incident by Charles Berlitz.mp3 10-10-91.mp3 9.8 MB
  15. S-3622 - The Roswell Incident by Berlitz, UFO Crash at Roswell by Randall, Schmitt - 10-11-91.mp3 4.1 MB
  16. S-3628 Jeremiah's Trusteeship_ Repentance and Faith via John Calvin's Commentary 1991-10-23.mp3 4.6 MB
  17. S-3630 - UFOs and Government Cover-Ups 10-25-91.mp3 7.5 MB
  18. S-3633 - Crop Circles, Circular Evidence by Delgata and Andrews - 10-28-91.mp3 2.2 MB
  19. S-3636 - 1991-10-31 - The Apocrypha -Ghost Stories.mp3 4.7 MB
  20. S-3639 - Timetable for Incident at Roswell 11-04-91.mp3 8.6 MB
  21. S-3650 - 1991-11-19 -A UFO Story In The Bible.mp3 3.9 MB
  22. S-3656 Maccabees & Spartans.mp3 1.6 MB
  23. S-3656-1991-Maccabees & Spartans.mp3 1.6 MB
  24. S-3659 - 1991-12-05 - The Early Church In South France & England.mp3 11.8 MB
  25. S-3659 The Early Church In South France & England 1991-12-05.mp3 11.8 MB
  26. S-3674 - 1991-12-26 - Genealogy George Washington & The Lost Tribes.mp3 7.4 MB
  27. S-3674 Tracing the Genealogy of George Washington & The Lost Tribes 1991-12-26.mp3 7.4 MB
  28. S-3675 - Satans Substitutes and Origins of The Black Madonna 11-27-91.mp3 6.3 MB
  29. S-3678 - The Black Madonna & Christmas via Catholic Mother Worship 1-2-92 .mp3 6.2 MB
  30. S-3682 - Genesis in the Chinese - 1-8-92.mp3 2.8 MB
  31. S-3699 More Reading From 'The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception' by Michael Baigent_ and a Pastoral Message 1992-02-15.mp3 11.7 MB
  32. S-3708-3709 Finding the Right Date For Daniel's 70 Weeks (painting theft).mp3 58.0 MB
  33. S-3761 Ephesians Chapter 1.mp3 10.4 MB
  34. S-3762 Ephesians.mp3 8.4 MB
  35. S-3764 Ephesians.mp3 10.6 MB
  36. S-3765 Ephesians.mp3 4.3 MB
  37. S-3766 Ephesians.mp3 15.4 MB
  38. S-3767 Ephesians.mp3 9.9 MB
  39. S-3769 Ephesians.mp3 17.1 MB
  40. S-3770 Ephesians.mp3 12.5 MB
  41. S-3771 Ephesians.mp3 15.1 MB
  42. S-3792 Ephesians 1 Review and Reinforcement 1992.mp3 66.3 MB
  43. S-3798 Ephesians 1 The Chosen Fore-Ordained 1992.mp3 56.9 MB
  44. S-3807 Ephesians 1_4 Chosen 1992.mp3 34.9 MB
  45. S-3846 New Testament Teaching-The Book Of Ephesians - You Had Better Not Abuse The Authority Given to You to Rebuke Satan.mp3 48.8 MB
  46. S-3869 New Testament Teaching-The Book Of Ephesians - Exousias (Powers) of Darkness In This World.mp3 82.3 MB
  47. S-3928 Defending the Fisrt Amendment - Waco, Texas via Masada, Reading From 'The Works of Josephus' 1993-04-17.mp3 6.8 MB
  48. S-3956 We are Set in His Heart (C-183).mp3 5.8 MB
  49. S-3957 The Atonement - When You Act In Faith, God Cannot Say No; The Kingdom Suffereth Violence (C-184).mp3 27.1 MB
  50. S-4020 The Occasion Of The Letter - Giving - Brought With Effort And The Philippian Band Is Born 1993-12-14.mp3 6.0 MB
  51. S-4024 Opposition 'WAS' (not 'IS') Given 1993-12-21.mp3 6.0 MB
  52. S-4038 Philippians Ch 2 Work Out Your Salvation With Fear and Trembling 1994.mp3 41.2 MB
  53. S-4068-1994-Promises of God Tribes of Israel.mp3 5.7 MB
  54. S-4123-1994-Deuteronomy 33 - Promises of God.mp3 2.7 MB
  55. S-4124-1994- Ezekiel 23 Gods Promises.mp3 6.8 MB
  56. S-4125 - 1994-06-03 - Lost Tribes- Promises # 22- 27.mp3 4.2 MB
  57. S-4145 The Book of Kells (Part 1) 1994-00-00.mp3 51.8 MB
  58. S-4146 The Book of Kells (Part 2) 1994-00-00.mp3 47.5 MB
  59. S-4171 Colossians 1_11 Walk Worthily 1994.mp3 79.8 MB
  60. S-4207-1994.Gods Promises - Jeremiahs Tender Twig.mp3 11.1 MB
  61. S-4210 The Great Pyramid 1994.mp3 95.4 MB
  62. S-4235 - God Ordained Leadership Inner Passages Pyramid.mp3 9.9 MB
  63. S-4235 - S09-Respect for God Ordained Le.mp3 9.9 MB
  64. S-4237 - The Pyramid, Stellar line-ups and more from The Orion Mystery - 12-30-94.mp3 3.3 MB
  65. S-4241 - 1995-01-01 - Kosmokratoras.mp3 11.3 MB
  66. S-4280 Worth 10,000 Of Us - 2 Sam 17.mp3 28.0 MB
  67. S-4314 - The Greatest King of Israel.MP3 52.8 MB
  68. S-4322 - The Greatest King of Israel.MP3 24.7 MB
  69. S-4323 - The Greatest King of Israel.MP3 27.4 MB
  70. S-4382 Debunking The Jesus Seminar Via Jesus Under Siege By Gregory A Boyd.mp3 62.7 MB
  71. S-4385 The Jesus Seminar 1996.mp3 62.4 MB
  72. S-4401 The Lost Years of Jesus.mp3 8.0 MB
  73. S-4410 - Overview of the Great Pyramid - 7-2-96.mp3 10.6 MB
  74. S-4410 - P09-Overview of the Great Pyram.mp3 10.6 MB
  75. S-4411 - Fingerprints of the Gods - Pyramids and the Canopy Theory - 7-3-96.mp3 5.8 MB
  76. S-4411 - P10-Fingerprints of The Gods.mp3 5.8 MB
  77. S-4424 'Original Intent' by David Barton, Intentions of the Founding Fathers 1996.mp3 18.5 MB
  78. S-4430 Lost Tribes Review (1996).mp3 72.9 MB
  79. S-4431 Jeremiah Takes The Stone to Ireland 1996.mp3 61.5 MB
  80. S-4432 - A13-Atlantis Evidence of a Ma.mp3 8.2 MB
  81. S-4432 - Atlantis - EvidenceMasterCivilizationFingerprintsGods.mp3 8.2 MB
  82. S-4439 Pastoral Speech-If You Don't Trust God After Enough Demonstration Of His Faithfulness - He Hates You!.mp3 70.9 MB
  83. S-4442 Pastoral Speech - Go Forward In Faith Or Die.mp3 52.9 MB
  84. S-4452 - 1996-09-12 - The Feast of the Tabernacles.mp3 1.8 MB
  85. S-4456 Handbook of Spiritual Warfare 1996.mp3 53.3 MB
  86. S-4484 Modern Mysteries-Hale Bopp Comet and The Book of Revelation.mp3 66.0 MB
  87. S-4503 Individual Responsibility.mp3 50.0 MB
  88. S-4505 Modern Mysteries- Hale-Bopp, Does Heaven Exist- Internet, Computers and Antichrist.mp3 58.8 MB
  89. S-4638 Book of Romans 1.17 (C) 3-26-2000.mp3 8.7 MB
  90. S-4692 Why Religion Matters - Houston Smith 2001.mp3 79.4 MB
  91. S-4712 Evolution - 'The Dating Game' - Reading From 'Bones of Contention' 2001-07-22.mp3 11.8 MB
  92. S-4714 Evolution - 'Darwin's Black Box' - Reading From 'Intelligent Design' 2001-07-29.mp3 6.1 MB
  93. S-4719 - 2001-09-16 -Pastoral Speech.mp3 11.2 MB
  94. S-4721 - 2001-09-21 - War - Reinhold Niebuhr and the Media.mp3 4.4 MB
  95. S-4724 Terrorism - Some History of its Fanatical and Religious Motivations 2001-10-14.mp3 10.5 MB
  96. S-4725 Terrorism - State Sponsorship, Reading From 'Study of Revenge' 2001-10-21.mp3 9.9 MB
  97. S-4726 Terrorism - Mohammed's History - Islam's beginnings, Reading From 'Islam in the World' 2001-11-11.mp3 10.2 MB
  98. S-4728 - 2001-12-02 - Terrorism - Some History of the Taliban.mp3 12.5 MB
  99. S-4730 Terrorism - More of Mohammed's History, Reading From 'The World's Religions' by Huston Smith 2001-12-23.mp3 12.8 MB
  100. S-4768 - 2002-10-24 - Line between Falling Short and Presumptuous Sin.mp3 11.0 MB
  101. S-4782 -2003-01-21 - ...after The Victory - Will you ever remember.mp3 6.3 MB
  102. S-4804 Romans Series 285 Footnote.mp3 2.9 MB
  103. S-4820 - 2003-08-27 - Bible Manuscripts-The John Ryland Fragment.mp3 6.4 MB
  104. S-4833 - 2003-11-23 - The Da Vinci Code and XmasTraditions.mp3 12.9 MB
  105. S-4833 - Mean Gene Review - The Da Vinci Code and Christmas Traditions - 11-23-03.mp3 12.9 MB
  106. S-4836 - 2003-12-21 - Sunday Festival of Faith and Mean Gene Review.mp3 6.1 MB
  107. S-4847 - 2004-01-29 - We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood.mp3 5.2 MB
  108. S-4848 - 2004-02-01 - God Knows, by Joseph Heller.mp3 9.4 MB
  109. S-4870 Doc Corrects the Media Regarding the Hollywood Cross, Prayer Chapel Dedication 2004-04-11.mp3 12.9 MB
  110. S-4877 This Church is Going to Move Into a Dimension of Praise_ An Overview of the Lost Tribe Promises 2004-05-23.mp3 9.3 MB
  111. S-4893 - 2004-08-01 - How the Texts Shaped The Times.mp3 16.2 MB
  112. S-4903 - The Demonologist by Gerald Brittle 08-22-2004.mp3 13.5 MB
  113. S-4907 - 2004-08-25 - Victory! We Proved We Can Still Beat The Devil!.mp3 4.6 MB
  114. S-4912 - 2004-09-03 - The Enemy Is And Start Resisting It.mp3 11.1 MB
  115. SPECIAL - GeneScott_BethanyPark_1967.mp3 10.1 MB
  116. SPECIAL - Secret 5 - Communion & Presentation At Sunset Mausoleum 11-02-1990.mp3 148.0 MB
  117. SPECIAL - St. Louis A.G. Convention - August 1968 - 2 Sam 7.mp3 54.5 MB
  118. The Doctor Is In Opening.mp3 1.2 MB
  119. The Fountain of Faith and Amazing Grace.mp3 5.8 MB
  120. This Little Boy of Mine Short Version.mp3 6.3 MB
  121. Toni and Kelly Sing National Anthem Aug 1990.mp3 2.3 MB
  122. Tribute - Simply The Best.mp3 5.9 MB
  123. Two Cow Explanation.mp3 20.7 MB
  124. UNK - 1987-01-XX - Side A - Hope St., House of Israel - VF-XXXX - Unofficial.mp3 76.2 MB
  125. UNK - 1987-03-08 - Side A - Church of the Open Door Designation as Historical Monument - S-XXXX - Sun Eve - Unofficial.mp3 78.0 MB
  126. UNK - 1987-03-08 - Side B - Church of the Open Door Designation as Historical Monument - S-XXXX - Sun Eve - Unofficial.mp3 76.6 MB
  127. UNK - 1987-03-09 - Side A - There is no Side B - Unofficial.mp3 84.2 MB
  128. UNK - 1987-04-19 - Side A - Church on Hope St., Giving and World View, cont. - Unofficial.mp3 77.4 MB
  129. UNK - 1987-04-19 - Side B - Church on Hope St., Giving and World View, cont. - Unofficial.mp3 76.4 MB
  130. UNK - 1987-04-19 Afternoon - Side A - Church History, Giving, Evangelist Scandal - Unofficial.mp3 76.0 MB
  131. UNK - 1987-04-19 Afternoon - Side B - Church History, Giving, Evangelist Scandal - Unofficial.mp3 75.8 MB
  132. UNK - 1987-09-11 Side B - Church on Hope St. - Pope Visits US - Cal Rossi - Unofficial.mp3 90.1 MB
  133. UNK - 1987-12-08 - 12-10 - Side A - Pagan Roots of Christmas - Dec 25th vs Correct Date - Official.mp3 76.0 MB
  134. UNK - 1987-12-08 - 12-10 - Side B - Pagan Roots of Christmas - Dec 25th vs Correct Date - Official.mp3 75.5 MB
  135. UNK - 1988-03-XX - Side A - Ps 105 - Sun at KH1 - VF - Unofficial - THERE IS NO SIDE B.mp3 85.2 MB
  136. UNK - 1988-06-05 - Side A - Sunday Afternoon - Pop Scott - Live Music - Unofficial.mp3 103.7 MB
  137. UNK - 1988-06-05 - Side B - Sunday Afternoon - Unofficial.mp3 90.7 MB
  138. UNK - 1988-12-01 - Side A - Also 12-04 - Sunday Festival - Unofficial.mp3 86.4 MB
  139. UNK - 1988-12-01 - Side B - Also 12-04 - Fundraising - Sunday Festival - Faith, Giving - Unofficial.mp3 100.6 MB
  140. UNK - A01-Archaeological Travels - Gi.mp3 124.5 MB
  141. UNK - Festival_(unknown) From 4-17-88 (part 2) .mp3 88.2 MB
  142. UNK - Festival_(unknown) From 4-17-88.mp3 111.0 MB
  143. UNK - Festival_Church History - Biblical Sources, Marcion [Part 1].m4a 20.2 MB
  144. UNK - Festival_Church History - Biblical Sources, Marcion [Part 2].m4a 20.2 MB
  145. UNK - Festival_Church History - Montanism.m4a 20.1 MB
  146. UNK - Festival_Galatians - The Gospel of Grace and Peace [Part 1] (8-21-85).mp3 20.6 MB
  147. UNK - Festival_Galatians - The Gospel of Grace and Peace [Part 2] (8-21-85).mp3 20.6 MB
  148. UNK - Festival_Galatians and the Perverts [Part 1] (9-1-85) .mp3 5.2 MB
  149. UNK - Festival_Galatians and the Perverts [Part 2] (9-1-85).mp3 5.3 MB
  150. UNK - Festival_How We Got Our Bible - Paul vs Legalism (8-18-85).mp3 21.1 MB
  151. UNK - Festival_Inspiration for Paintings - Review of New Jerusalem Bible Translation [Part 1] (10-4-85).mp3 5.2 MB
  152. UNK - Festival_Inspiration for Paintings - Review of New Jerusalem Bible Translation [Part 2] (10-4-85).mp3 5.0 MB
  153. UNK - Festival_Peter Marshall and Zacchaeus, Giving the Lord's Way 1986 .mp3 45.4 MB
  154. UNK - Festival_Revelations From Shortwave.mp3 21.4 MB
  155. UNK - Festival_Sub-Carrier Radio Expansion, Call for Musicians [Part 1] (12-13-85).mp3 5.2 MB
  156. UNK - Festival_Sub-Carrier Radio Expansion, Call for Musicians [Part 2] (12-13-85).mp3 5.2 MB
  157. UNK - Festival_Superiority of Women, Musician Problems [Part 1] (12-15-85) .mp3 4.5 MB
  158. UNK - Festival_Superiority of Women, Musician Problems [Part 2] (12-15-85) .mp3 4.9 MB
  159. UNK - Festival_The Church at Ephesus Lost Their First Love.mp3 47.8 MB
  160. UNK - Festival_The Path to the Highest Knowledge.mp3 17.7 MB
  161. UNK - Festivala_Chruch History - The Earliest New Testament Manuscripts [Part 1].m4a 19.9 MB
  162. UNK - Festivalb_Chruch History - The Earliest New Testament Manuscripts [Part 2].m4a 20.0 MB
  163. UNK - P03-The Great Pyramid - Was Chr.mp3 6.0 MB
  164. UNK - S06-God's Message In The Stars.mp3 6.7 MB
  165. UNK - S10-The Pyramid, Stellar line-.mp3 3.3 MB
  166. contents.txt 10.5 KB

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