Details for:
Lyon - The Culture of Surveillance (2018).epub
345.6 KB
Schotten - Queer Terror; Life, Death, and Desire in the Settler Colony (2018).epub
603.2 KB
McKinney (Ed.) - How the US Creates Sh_thole Countries (2018).epub
766.9 KB
Aaronson - The Terror Factory; Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism (2013).epub
882.2 KB
Sharrock - Tortured; When Good Soldiers Do Bad Things (2010).pdf
909.3 KB
Epstein - Another Fine Mess; America, Uganda, and the War on Terror (2017).epub
921.4 KB
Eisenman - The Abu Ghraib Effect (2007).pdf
1.5 MB
French - The History of Policing America; From Militias and Military to the Law Enforcement of Today (2018).epub
1.6 MB
Frey - Sand and Blood; America’s Stealth War on the Mexico Border (2019).epub
1.7 MB
Kaplan - Our American Israel; the Story of an Entangled Alliance (2018).pdf
1.9 MB
Brennan - When All Else Fails; The Ethics of Resistance to State Injustice (2019).pdf
2.0 MB
Bergmann - Conspiracy & Populism; the Politics of Misinformation (2018).pdf
2.4 MB
Chatterjee & Maira (Eds.) - The Imperial University; Academic Repression and Scholarly Dissent (2014).pdf
2.9 MB
Sadat (Ed.) - Seeking Accountability for the Unlawful Use of Force (2018).pdf
3.1 MB
Wittes - Detection and Denial; the Case for Candor after Guantanamo (2011).pdf
3.2 MB
Lorenzo - The Puritan Culture of America’s Military; U.S. Army War Crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan (2014).epub
3.3 MB
Cunningham (Ed.) - Deporting Immigrants (2018).pdf
3.4 MB
Ferguson - The Rise of Big Data Policing; Surveillance, Race, and the Future of Law Enforcement (2017).pdf
3.7 MB
Simons & Lucaites (Eds.) - Invisible War; the Culture of War in Twenty-First-Century America (2017).pdf
3.7 MB
Kuzmarov - Modernizing Repression; Police Training and Nation-Building in the American Century (2012).pdf
3.8 MB
Klitou - Privacy-Invading Technologies and Privacy by Design (2014).pdf
4.1 MB
Mukherjee & Koren - The Politics of Mass Killing in Autocratic Regimes (2019).pdf
4.1 MB
O’Rourke - Covert Regime Change; America’s Secret Cold War (2018).pdf
4.3 MB
McCoy - Policing America’s Empire; The United States, the Philippines, and the Rise of the Surveillance State (2009).pdf
4.6 MB
Hoberman - Dopers in Uniform; the Hidden World of Police on Steroids (2017).pdf
5.1 MB
O’Huallachain & Sharpe (Eds.) - Neo-conned! Again; Hypocrisy, Lawlessness, and the Rape of Iraq (2007).pdf
5.2 MB
Siems - Guantanamo Diary, restored edition (2017).epub
6.0 MB
Chacon & Davis - No One Is Illegal; Fighting Violence and State Repression on the U.S.–Mexico Border (2006).pdf
6.7 MB
Robertiello (Ed.) - The Use and Abuse of Police Power in America (2017).epub
7.2 MB
Michas - Unholy Alliance; Greece and Milosevic’s Serbia (2002).pdf
8.0 MB
Mellen - Blood in the Water; How the US and Israel Conspired to Ambush the USS Liberty (2018).epub
8.3 MB
Johnstone - From MAD to Madness; Inside Pentagon Nuclear War Planning (2017).pdf
11.0 MB
Flouskas & Gokay - The New American Imperialism; Bush's War on Terror and Blood for Oil (2005).pdf
12.6 MB
Behnke - Racial Profiling; Everyday Inequality (2017).epub
14.1 MB
Haycock - Tyrannical Minds; Psychological Profiling, Narcissism, and Dictatorship (2019).epub
26.8 MB
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