Details for:
Williams - Heaven’s Harlots; My Fifteen Years as a Sacred Prostitute in the Children of God Cult (1998).epub
302.7 KB
Hassan - Freedom of Mind; Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs (2013).epub
350.5 KB
Brown - The Cult of the Saints; Its Rise and Function in Latin Christianity, 2e (2015).epub
450.4 KB
Tarawa - Daughter of Gloriavale; My Life in a Religious Cult (2017).epub
531.4 KB
Snow - Deadly Cults; the Crimes of True Believers (2003).pdf
677.4 KB
Worthy - The Mormon Cult; a Former Missionary Reveals the Secrets of Mormon Mind Control (2008).pdf
683.3 KB
Johnston & Jones - The Family; a Powerful Work of Investigative Journalism that Reveals the Legacy of a Notorious Cult (2016).epub
727.5 KB
Levenda - The Angel and the Sorcerer; the Remarkable Story of the Occult Origins of Mormonism and the Rise of Mormons.. (2012).epub
736.4 KB
Bainbridge - The Endtime Family; Children of God (2002).pdf
779.5 KB
Knox - Sacro-Egoism; the Rise of Religious Individualism in the West (2016).epub
821.0 KB
Lockhart - Personal Religion and Spiritual Healing; the Panacea Society in the Twentieth Century (2019).epub
959.5 KB
Hammer & Rothstein (Eds.) - The Cambridge Companion to New Religious Movements (2012).epub
1.1 MB
Morgan-Davies - The Girl in the Shadows; My Life in a Cult (2018).epub
1.2 MB
Ashe - The Secret History of the Hell-Fire Clubs; From Rabelais and John Dee to Anton LaVey and Timothy Leary, 4e (2019).epub
1.2 MB
Agsar - Cults That Kill; Shocking True Stories of Horror from Psychopathic Leaders, Doomsday Prophets, Brainwashed Followers, .. (2.epub
1.6 MB
Dawson - Cults and New Religious Movements; a Reader (2003).pdf
1.6 MB
Wilson & Cresswell (Eds.) - New Religious Movements; Challenge and Response (1999).pdf
1.7 MB
Houston - Priests, Gnostics & Magicians; European Roots of Esoteric Independent Catholicism (2009).epub
2.0 MB
Ross - Cults Inside Out; How People Get In and Can Get Out (2014).epub
2.1 MB
Wallis - Shamans, Neo-Shamans; Ecstasy, Alternative Archaeologies and Contemporary Pagans (2003).epub
2.1 MB
Ferguson & Radford (Eds.) - The Occult Imagination in Britain, 1875-1947 (2018).epub
3.2 MB
Urban - Zorba the Buddha; Sex, Spirituality, and Capitalism in the Global Osho Movement (2015).epub
3.7 MB
Decker & Dummett - A History of the Occult Tarot, 1870-1970 (2002).epub
4.6 MB
Godwin - Atlantis and the Cycles of Time; Prophecies, Traditions, and Occult Revelations (2011).pdf
4.8 MB
Flynn - Cult City; Jim Jones, Harvey Milk, and 10 Days That Shock San Francisco (2011).epub
5.5 MB
Kail - Magico-Religious Groups and Ritualistic Activities; A Guide for First Responders (2008).pdf
5.5 MB
Knab - Mad Jesus; the Final Testament of a Huichol Messiah from Northwest Mexico (2004).pdf
7.9 MB
O’Neill - Chaos; Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret History of the Sixties (2019).epub
10.7 MB
Morris - American Messiahs; False Prophets of a Damned Nation (2019).epub
11.2 MB
Dyer - Esoteric Hollywood; Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film (2016).epub
19.6 MB
Gasparro - Soteriology and Mystic Aspects in the Cult of Cybele and Attis (1985).pdf
23.1 MB
Ashline - Without a Prayer; the Death of Lucas Leonard and How One Church Became a Cult (2019).epub
24.5 MB
History of the Occult (2018).pdf
32.3 MB
Nero - Satanism; a Beginner's Guide to the Religious Worship of Satan and Demons; Vol. I, Philosophy (2010).pdf
45.2 MB
Rosenthal (Ed.) - The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture (1997).pdf
111.4 MB
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