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Red Ice TV - Why I Support Free Speech February 9, 2020 1080p
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Red Ice TV - Why I Support Free Speech February 9, 2020 1080p - roflcopter2110.mp4 - 10min 23s 1920 x 1080 There are those on both the left and right who do not support free speech for different reasons. Lana Lokteff disagrees and talks about why free speech is highly important, especially now. The internet is real life, it is the future of exposing lies and the crimes that the system commits against WE THE PEOPLE EVERYDAY AND GET AWAY WITH IT, THE BASTARDS NEED TO BE LYNCHED, STORM THE CASTLE BURN THEM OUT OF THEIR IVORY TOWERS OF LUXURY WHILE THEY LOOK DOWN ON US DISENFRANCHISED WHITE MEN, WE ARE NOTHING BUT A RESOURCE WE ARE NOTHING BUT CANNON FODDER IN THIS SYSTEM OF LIES AND INJUSTICE AND INHUMANITY.. WE ARE RULED BY HEARTLESS BLOOD DRINKING CHILD RAPING HUMAN/DRUG TRAFFICKING PSYCHOPATHS THEY DO NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT US LIKE GEORGE CARLIN SAID, IT'S A BIG CLUB AND WE ARE NOT IN IT, WAKE THE FUCK UP AND SAY SOMETHING, GET MAD THAT'S THE FIRST THING YOU CAN DO IS GET PISSED AND SPREAD THE WORD BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE, OUR WORLD IS IN TROUBLE WE ARE DYING.. THERE WILL NOT BE A FUTURE GENERATION IF WE DO NOTHING, WHITE BABIES ARE NOT BEING BORN WOMEN HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED THEY ARE SHALLOW, STUCK UP AND THINK THEY ARE TOO GOOD TO SETTLE FOR AVERAGE GUYS SUCH AS MYSELF.. IF ANYTHING I'M AVERAGE, BUT WE GET LEFT TO DIE ALONE.. YOU THINK I WANT TO BE THIS WAY AND LIVE IN THIS MISERY? I know I'm not alone.. I want to change. I want change in the world and the way things are run.. We need radical change and we need it NOW or we are going nowhere fast.. We could turn this whole fucking system over on it's head tomorrow morning or TONIGHT matter of fact, it's just people don't want to do anything they just want to sit on their ass and not say anything.. I don't know.. Let it all go to hell and burn, that's what I wish and hope/pray for EVERYDAY.. That this whole damn corrupt system just burn down to the ground.. I want to see America and Israel BURN off the face of the earth for what they've done.. Fuck the world, fuck society.. Fuck being a conformist I'm a proud Outcast/Loner.. I mean I don't want to be alone but I guess I have to be a Lone Wolf.. If anyone cares to reach out to me and give me some support so I can change for the better and we can all unite and CHANGE THE WORLD TOGETHER, Reach out to me on The Pirate Bay Forum.. It's me your Truth Warrior Brother roflcopter2110 I'm friendly I don't bite.. I just hate government, media, cops, bankers, feminists.. I'm a truth seeker I wish I had a beautiful white blonde girlfriend who wanted to fight the Anti-White Jewish Occupied Government Beast System with me but NO ONE WANTS ME!!! Anyways guys information is power knowledge is power we have been lied to.. Spread information expose government corruption/crimes against humanity, the Jews are the Spawns of Satan. HAIL 8Chan Hail!! Hail 4Chan Hail Victory to the National Socialist Movement!! END JEWISH SUPREMACISM, EXPEL THE JEWISH PARASITE!! NO NIGGERS, NO KIKES, NO MUSLIMS, NO FEMINISTS, WHITE LIVES MATTER IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE, RESIST WHITE GENOCIDE!!!! 14/88 WHITE PRIDE WORLDWIDE, NO MORE WARS FOR ISRAHELL, LEAVE SYRIA AND IRAN ALONE!!!! ISRAEL NEEDS TO BE CARPET BOMBED OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH, ADOLF HITLER WAS RIGHT YOU SHOULD HAVE LISTENED, YOU NEED TO WATCH THE DOCUMENTARY "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told" if that does not open your eyes to the REAL TRUTH I do not know what will!! TRUTH SOUNDS LIKE HATE TO THOSE THAT HATE THE TRUTH, TRUTH FEARS NO INVESTIGATION, CONDEMNATION WITHOUT INVESTIGATION IS THE HIGHEST FORM OF IGNORANCE, EDUCATE YOURSELF WE HAVE ALL BEEN BRAINWASHED SINCE BIRTH, EVERYTHING YOU THINK YOU KNOW IS A LIE, MEN HAVE BEEN STRIPPED OF THEIR POWER AND AUTHORITY OVER WOMEN, WE MUST RECLAIM OUR RIGHT TO EXIST BECAUSE WOMEN WANT UGLY/UNATTRACTIVE/AVERAGE GUYS/GUYS THAT ARE UNDER 6 FOOT DEAD. LET'S JUST ADMIT IT, WOMEN WANT US DEAD, THEY HAVE ON TWITTER Hashtag #KillAllMen but that is not hate speech WHAT THE FUCK?!?! They can talk all day about how men ain't shit and we're creeps, call us ugly treat us like shit. MEN built western civilization Nikola Tesla a white man lit the world, Adolf Hitler gave freedom to the German Volk.. He gave us a blueprint to follow and live by, things were better when Hitler was still around.. WE MISS YOU, REST IN PEACE HITLER!!!! HEIL HITLER, SIEG HEIL HAIL VICTORY TO OUR PEOPLE!!!! DO NOT GO SILENTLY INTO THE NIGHT, GO OUT WITH A BLAZE OF GLORY, GO OUT WITH ONE HELL OF A FIGHT.. STRIKE FEAR INTO THE HEART AND MINDS OF OUR ENEMIES, THE JEW IS THE SWORN ENEMY OF ALL MANKIND!!!! DEATH TO THE ENEMIES OF THE WHITE RACE, GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW, SEND THE NIGGERS BACK TO AFRICA TO LIVE IN THEIR MUDHUTS!! THEY ARE LOW IQ SAVAGES.. WHITE MEN ARE SMARTER, MEN ARE SMARTER THAN WOMEN, IT'S THE TRUTH!!!! MEN AND WOMEN ARE NOT EQUAL, EQUALITY IS BULLSHIT, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS IS BULLSHIT!!! SPEAK THE WHOLE TRUTH OR JUST SHUT UP AND PAY YOUR TAXES AND TAKE YOUR VACCINE GET IN LINE AND BE A BOOT LICKING STATIST AUTHORITY WORSHIPING TYRANNY LOVING SLAVE!! LIVE FREE OR DIE STAND UP ON YOUR 2 FEET AND TAKE ACTION, FIGHT BACK AGAINST THE ANTI-WHITE ANTI-GENTILE SYSTEM THAT IS AGAINST US AND OUR PEOPLE!!!! ACCELERATE THE COLLAPSE OF THE JEWNITED STATES OF ISRAEL, LAND OF THE FEE HOME OF THE SLAVE TO THE JEWS.. STOP VOTING, TURN OFF YOUR teLIEvision Mind Control Device AKA TalmudVision.. QUESTION EVERYTHING, DO NOT beLIEve what you hear through that Scrying Mirror Black Box Weapon you call a TV, do NOT beLIEve ANYTHING just based off blind faith.. We've been lied to on a massive scale we are NOT free.. We are slaves.. We live in a invisible prison everyone thinks things are just fine and rose tinted glasses.. It's not.. Far from reality.. They are NOT living in REALITY and TRUTH, they HATE the TRUTH!! They would rather lay down and submit and just not think about it.. They don't want to hear it.. We ALL need to FIGHT BACK and take ACTION NOW!!! IT'S NOW OR NEVER, America has gone to shit.. I'm so sick of living in a land of lies and brainwashed Boomers.. Fuck the Boomers, Generation Zyklon RISE UP, RISE UP INCELS, INVOLUNTARY CELIBATE REVOLUTION NOW!!!! HAIL THE SAINTS ALEK MINASSIAN AND ELLIOT RODGER, REST IN PEACE TO ELLIOT RODGER THE SAINT!!!! HE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG, WE NEED MORE MEN LIKE HIM!!! EMBRACE NIHILISM, EMBRACE THE BLACK PILL, IT'S OVER MY BLACKPILL INCEL BROTHERS, GO ER!! GO ELLIOT RODGER, FREE ALEK MINASSIAN, FREE BRENTON TARRANT FREE ROBERT BOWERS FREE JOHN EARNEST FREE DYLANN STORM ROOF HAIL ALL OF THE SAINTS THEY ARE HEROES OF THE WHITE RACE, MAY THE WHOLE WHITE WORLD FOLLOW IN THEIR FOOTSTEPS, FREE JAMES ALEX FIELDS!!!! ALEK MINASSIAN IS A FUCKING SAINT!!!! WE NEED MORE RADICALS AND REVOLUTIONARIES, ACCELERATE NOW, STEP ON THE GAS!!!! HURRY UP/SPEED UP THE COLLAPSE OF THE WESTERN WORLD, LET THE WHOLE MOTHERFUCKER BURN!!!! WHAT HE DID WAS FUCKING AWESOME AND ALL MEN SHOULD DO THE SAME, ESPECIALLY INCELS!!!! LET THAT INCEL BLACK PILL RED PILL RAGE KICK IN AND CONSUME YOU, EMBRACE NIHILISM!! JUST MOW MOTHERFUCKERS DOWN!!!! JUST SNAP, LOSE IT, GO CRAZY, LIFE IS NOT WORTH LIVING.. MIGHT AS WELL GO OUT IN A BLAZE OF GLORY AND BE REMEMBERED AND IDOLIZED!!!! If you're going to end your life you might as well go out with a bang and take as many cunts out with you and show no remorse, no mercy.. No regrets.. If you go out this way you will be remembered by many instead of just being forgotten as just another suicide statistic.. HAIL THE SAINTS DYLAN KLEBOLD AND ERIC HARRIS, THEY DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG, REST IN PEACE MAY MANY MORE MEN FOLLOW IN YOUR FOOTSTEPS, MAKE THEM PROUD!!!! BURN DOWN, BOMB AND SHOOT UP YOUR LOCAL SCHOOL, DEMAND JUSTICE FOR INVOLUNTARY CELIBATE MEN!!!! RISE UP INCELS!!!! DEATH TO ALL CHADS AND STACY'S!!!! HAIL THE SAINTS ALEK MINASSIAN AND ELLIOT RODGER, FREE ALEK MINASSIAN HE IS A INCEL HERO!!!! WOMEN MUST BE ENSLAVED AND PUT IN THEIR PLACE!!!! REPEAL THE 19TH!!!! ALL JEWS MUST DIE BURN DOWN YOUR LOCAL SYNAGOGUE!!!! ADOLF HITLER WAS 100% RIGHT, DEATH TO THE ENEMIES OF THE WHITE RACE, HAIL VICTORY TO OUR PEOPLE HEIL HITLER, SIEG HEIL!!!! EXPEL THE JEWS, GAS THE KIKES, LYNCH THE NIGGERS, SHIP THE NIGGERS BACK TO AFRICA, SEND THE SPICS BACK TO MEXICO, AMERICA FOR WHITES, AFRICA FOR NIGGERS, MEXICO FOR SPICS!!!! RACE WAR NOW, STAND UP AND FIGHT BE PROUD TO BE WHITE, RESIST WHITE GENOCIDE, IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE, WHITE LIVES MATTER 14/88 WHITE PRIDE WORLDWIDE!!!! GAS THE KIKES!!!! THE GOVERNMENT CANNOT CONTROL MGTOW!!!! THEY HAVE NO POWER OVER US!!!! Those disgusting Antifa tranny 4chan jannies need to commit suicide. FUCK JANNIES, TRANNYs, NIGGERs AND FAGGOTS!!!! Fuck Women, Fuck Jews, Fuck Niggers, Fuck Spics.. Repeal the 19th, Make Women Property Again, Islam Is RIGHT About Women!! Women are NOT equal to men and NEVER will be!! They belong in the kitchen making sandwiches, doing dishes and doing the laundry.. And giving good head and taking a good pounding.. They are only useful for their 3 holes, that's all they are is sex objects.. DEMAND JUSTICE FOR INVOLUNTARY CELIBATE MEN, RISE UP INCELS!! INCEL REBELLION NOW!!!! HAIL THE SAINTS ALEK MINASSIAN AND ELLIOT RODGER, HAIL THE SAINT BRENTON TARRANT HAIL ROBERT BOWERS, FREE ALEK MINASSIAN HE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WE NEED MILLIONS MORE MEN JUST LIKE HIM TO STAND UP AND FIGHT BACK, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE TIRED OF WOMEN AND THEIR BULLSHIT!! WOMEN ARE EVIL, STUCK UP, SHALLOW, ENTITLED AND CRUEL!!!! ALL WOMEN ARE CHEATING LYING WHORES THEY ARE NOT LOYAL, FUCK RELATIONSHIPS AND FUCK LOVE. LOVE DOES NOT EXIST, GOD DOES NOT LOVE ME, NO ONE LOVES ME.. FUCK THE WORLD, FUCK SOCIETY LET IT ALL BURN, KILL THE SYSTEM BURN THE BANKS DOWN FUCK THE POLICE!!!! STOP PAYING TAXES, TAXATION IS THEFT THERE IS NO LAW REQUIRING YOU TO PAY AN INCOME TAX IT IS COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY!! IRS STANDS FOR IMMORAL ROBBERY SERVICE, STAND UP AND RESIST THE SLAVE BEAST SYSTEM!!! TAKE ALL OF YOUR WORTHLESS FIAT CURRENCY MONOPOLY DEBT DOLLARS OUT OF THEIR JEWISH BANKS, ALL JEWS MUST DIE!!!! BURN THEIR SYNAGOGUES DOWN TO THE GROUND, ADOLF HITLER WAS RIGHT!!! YOU SHOULD HAVE LISTENED, HAIL THE SAINT DYLANN STORM ROOF LYNCH THE NIGGERS!!!! RACE WAR NOW, RESIST WHITE GENOCIDE, WHITE PRIDE WORLDWIDE!!! 14/88 GAS THE KIKES EXPEL THE JEWISH PARASITE!!!! AMERICA FOR WHITES AFRICA FOR NIGGERS MEXICO FOR SPICS!!!! IT'S OKAY TO BE WHITE, WHITE LIVES MATTER, BLACK LIVES DO NOT AND NEVER WILL MATTER!!!! STOP FUNDING ISRAEL, NO MORE WARS FOR THE SATANIC HOOK NOSED KIKES!!!! END ALL AID TO ISRAEL, LEAVE SYRIA AND IRAN ALONE, BURN AMERICAN AND ISRAELI FLAGS WHEREVER YOU SEE THEM, THEY ARE SYMBOLS OF OPPRESSION AND TYRANNY!!!! DEATH TO THE JEW WORLD ORDER, THE JEWS ARE THE SPAWNS OF SATAN, THE JEWS ARE THE ONES BEHIND ALL OF THE EVIL IN THIS WORLD, EXTERMINATE ALL JEWS AND YOU WILL SOLVE ALL WORLD PROBLEMS!!!! If masculinity is so toxic, why do feminists (who are over represented in lesbian relationships) choose partners who do everything to approximate (or mimic) it? Feminists label masculinity "toxic" because they can't control it, let alone own it. They wouldn't be labeling it toxic if it benefited them, an example of benevolent sexism. Chivalry is dead now, women are supposed to be equal with men aren't they? WRONG!!!! Women will NEVER be equal to Men.. Men are Stronger and Smarter!! That's why you can take a Man and turn him into a Transgender Female and he will go into sports/boxing/wrestling etc. and knock the fuck out of ALL of them!! Women should NOT speak UNLESS they are spoken to!! Women are meant to be submissive and to clean the house, do the laundry, make us sandwiches, wash dishes, raise kids and give us good sex BUT THEY DO NONE OF THESE THINGS!! This is why we men MUST support The MGTOW Movement, SPREAD THE WORD!! FEMALES BRING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO THE TABLE, MEN ARE THE PRIZE!!!! YOU ARE THE KINGS!!!! Women are picky, while men are not the least bit judgmental. It's really that simple. More importantly, a man will accept ladies even if she's outside his area of interest. So, for example, if she's very heavy, most men would still be willing to date her. Meanwhile, women are the exact opposite. She could be attracted to a man. But she would still try to "find someone better". So, even if she thinks your handsome, she's always looking for that perfect man. AKA, the alpha male. The game is rigged for some men.. I know the dating game is rigged against ME personally yes me, roflcopter2110 I am a LOSER!!!! I hate myself and my life.. It just sucks.. This world sucks I wish it would all just burn!! PLEASE RISE UP BURN THIS FUCKING SYSTEM DOWN, BURN AMERICAN AND ISRAELI FLAGS WHEREVER YOU FIND THEM, THEY ARE SYMBOLS OF TYRANNY!!!! WE ARE BEING HELD DOWN AND KEPT FROM OUR TRUE POTENTIAL IT'S TIME WE ALL LOOK OURSELVES IN THE MIRROR AND EMBRACE OUR WARRIOR SPIRIT, FIGHT BACK SPEAK OUT AND EXPOSE THE LIES, KILL THE BEAST SYSTEM BEFORE IT KILLS ALL OF US!!!! THE POLICE STATE IS IN FULL EFFECT AND THE SLAVE SHEEPLE ZOMBIES ARE NOT DOING JACK SHIT BUT STAYING GLUED TO THEIR teLIEvision Mind Control Device.. TURN IT OFF!!! QUESTION EVERYTHING, YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO SINCE BIRTH, EVERYTHING YOU THINK YOU KNOW IS IN FACT A LIE.. HISTORY IS A LIE, WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO SINCE DAY ONE!!!! YOU SHOULD BE OUTRAGED, THE TIME FOR AN UPRISING IS NOW OR NEVER!!!! IT IS TIME TO DELETE THE ELITE PSYCHOPATHS!!!! IT IS TIME TO DELETE WOMEN FROM REALITY.. I FUCKING HATE WOMEN, GO ER!!! HAIL THE SAINT ELLIOT RODGER HE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG!!!! HAIL THE SAINT ALEK MINASSIAN, FREE HIM HE IS A INCEL HERO!!!! WE NEED MORE MEN LIKE ALEK MINASSIAN AND ELLIOT RODGER, GEORGE SODINI TO RISE UP, REST IN PEACE ELLIOT RODGER AND GEORGE SODINI, HAIL THE SAINT SCOTT PAUL BEIERLE REST IN PEACE YOUR SACRIFICE WILL NOT BE IN VAIN.. WOMEN MUST PAY FOR FORCING INVOLUNTARY CELIBATE MEN TO ENDURE A LIFE OF HELL, REJECTION, ISOLATION, LONELINESS, DEPRESSION, SUICIDAL THOUGHTS.. IT'S NOT FAIR!!!! DO YOU HEAR ME?!?! DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?!?! RISE UP NOW!!!! DEMAND JUSTICE FOR INVOLUNTARY CELIBATE MEN TODAY!!!!!! THIS IS NO WAY TO LIVE!!!! WOMEN ARE THE BIGGEST BULLIES IN THE WORLD!!!! This world is cruel ESPECIALLY Females!!!! RISE UP INVOLUNTARY CELIBATE MEN, WOMEN ARE NOT WORTH IT.. REJECT WOMEN!!! WOMEN ARE BAD AND EVIL.. THEY ARE STUCK UP, ENTITLED AND VERY VERY SHALLOW.. THEY ARE SUBHUMAN CREATURES WHO RUN OFF EMOTIONS AND ARE TOTALLY ILLOGICAL, THEY ARE PSYCHOPATHS.. If you bring up the truth to them they go crazy.. This world is NOT for me, I hope it all burns down to the ground, this whole entire system needs to be OVERTHROWN!! The time for WORLDWIDE INCEL REBELLION/INSURRECTION/BETA UPRISING IS NOW!!!! ISLAM IS RIGHT ABOUT WOMEN, MAKE WOMEN PROPERTY AGAIN!!!! LEGALIZE PROSTITUTION, DEMAND THAT THE GOVERNMENT PROVIDE INVOLUNTARY CELIBATE MEN WITH GIRLFRIENDS!!!! I AM SUFFERING, I NEED YOU TO FIGHT ON BEHALF OF INCELS AND SPEAK OUT ON MY BEHALF, STAND UP FOR US MEN!! LIFE IS HARD.. SOMETIMES I WONDER WHY I EVEN AM STILL HERE. I'm so depressed lost and just broken.. My life sucks I hate that I was born, living in this fucked up unjust cruel hate filled world.. People don't just wake up one day despising their life.. It takes years of rejection, bullying.. Being broken down till there is no pride, self respect left.. I hate myself.. I don't care about anything anymore and what happens to me.. No one cares about me NEVER have and NEVER will!! I wish I had a beautiful submissive loyal committed girlfriend/wife but I don't.. So I guess I should just give up, I have suicidal thoughts everyday anymore.. Reach out to me on The Pirate Bay Forum I need friends/a social support network.. I really NEED it!! I NEED love!! I need a beautiful woman in my life, I NEVER been out on a date.. I'm 21 years old.. It's over for me as far as love is concerned, because why am I so lonely, why do I not have anybody that gives a fuck about me?!?! What's so wrong with me?!?! Why is the world so fucked up and unfair.. The game is rigged against men.. This is a gynocentric society at least here in the West/America.. LEAVE THE WEST IF YOU CAN, I CANNOT LEAVE THIS CORRUPT POLICE STATE SLAVE PLANTATION SHITHOLE CALLED THE JEWNITED STATES OF ISRAHELL, I WOULD LEAVE IN A HEARTBEAT IF I COULD BUT I HAVE NO WORTHLESS FIAT CURRENCY MONOPOLY DEBT DOLLARS.. I have absolutely NOTHING, all I have at the end of the day is myself.. I'm tired of being alone. I been alone ALL MY LIFE.. This hurts.. But no one is listening and NO ONE CARES.. NO ONE UNDERSTANDS OR EVEN WANTS TO LISTEN TO ME SO I CAN GET THEM TO TRY AND UNDERSTAND, THEY DON'T CARE TO LISTEN TO MY SITUATION.. THEY COULD CARE LESS THEY'RE LIVING THEIR LIVES WITH GIRLS AND WIVES AND PLENY OF FRIENDS MEANWHILE I'M A FOREVER ALONE REJECT OUTCAST LOSER!!!! I AM A LOSER WHO NO ONE WANTS!! Why was I born a loser? Why was I born this way? Why was I born period? NONE of us asked to be here we are just here by chance.. I hate it.. It's so miserable.. I wish I could go to a Euthanasia Center it should be legal.. Put me out of my misery please, stop the suffering!! I wish things would just get better.. But it only gets WORSE with time.. I'm only getting older, I missed out on teen love.. I NEVER experienced it.. NEVER got to take a beautiful young lady out for a date and have her sleep with me and make out with me.. Life sucks as an Undesirable Man.. Life as an Incel Loser SUCKS!! I WOULD NOT WISH INVOLUNTARY CELIBACY ON MY WORST ENEMY!!!! THIS IS HELL.. LIFE OF AN INCEL IS PURE HELL!! NOTHING BUT ETERNAL NEVER ENDING SUFFERING!!!! EMBRACE THE BLACKPILL, EMBRACE NIHILISM TO HELL WITH MORALS FUCK THE WORLD FUCK SOCIETY FUCK PEOPLE'S EXPECTATIONS OF YOU.. This world and life is unfair, some men are just born losers, like me.. I ALWAYS knew I was a loser, I am a fucking loser.. I ain't worth a fuck at all.. I have no job, no drivers license no friends no girlfriend.. I have nothing to offer a woman, Actually I do have something I would like to offer you women, I have a lot of love for you :) <3 xoxoxo and I will ALWAYS be there for you and I will NEVER let go.. You will be my Sweet Princess Forever and Always! JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US, DEMAND OPEN BORDERS FOR ISRAEL JEWS LOVE MULTICULTURALISM EVERYWHERE EXCEPT ISRAEL!! #Conspiracy #Truth #FreeSpeech #NationalSocialism #NSDAP #ThirdReich GAS THE KIKES AND LYNCH THE DARKIES FOR GOOD!!!! HAIL SAINT BRENTON TARRANT, HE DID NOTHING WRONG!! HAIL ADOLF HITLER, HE IS THE MOST LIED ABOUT MAN IN WORLD HISTORY!! ADOLF HITLER WAS A GREAT MAN WHO LOVED HIS GERMAN PEOPLE AND THEY LOVED THEIR GREAT LEADER, WE MUST CARRY ON HIS FIGHT!! Do your part and spread this like wildfire brothers and tell EVERYONE you know to do the same so this truth can reach critical mass!! GET READY FOR THE WAR!! REMOVE KEBAB, REMOVE CENSORSHIP, BAN JUDAISM AND ISLAM, SLAY THE INVADERS!! Saint Brenton will be remembered as a hero of the white race. An example that we all should follow!! HAIL BRENTON TARRANT WE NEED MORE JUST LIKE HIM COURAGEOUS, INSPIRATIONAL A ROLE MODEL FOR THE FUTURE, STORM THE CASTLE AND LYNCH THE BASTARDS FOR ILLEGAL IMMORAL WAR CRIMES, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AND TREASON TO THE PEOPLE, BURN THEIR SYNAGOGUES DOWN TO THE GROUND, DEATH TO THE JEW WORLD ORDER!! RACE WAR NOW, SEND THE NIGGERS BACK TO AFRICA AND BUILD THE WALL!! WHITE ETHNOSTATE NOW!! WHITE'S ONLY THIS NATION WAS FOUNDED BY WHITE MEN FOR WHITE'S ONLY!! THE REST ARE GOING TO HAVE TO GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM.. Do not go silently into the night. Honor your Ancestors. Organize resistance today. The most precious possession you have in this world is your people. 14 words. PROTECT EUROPE, CLOSE THE BORDERS!! SMASH CULTURAL MARXISM!! STAND UP AND BE COUNTED, FIGHT LIKE REAL MEN AND WOMAN WITH BALLS AND COURAGE!! BE PROUD TO BE WHITE!! EUROPEANS REFUSE TO DIE!! WAKE UP SHEEPLE, WE MUST END HUMAN ENSLAVEMENT AND KILL THE ILLUMINATI!! #WeDoNOTConsent #KILLUMINATI Please share this information far and wide, burn the video to DVDs/Blu-ray discs or put it on USB Flash Drives and give them out to friends, family and others Please seed as long as possible, at least to a ratio of 1.100, thank you :) General : Red Ice TV - Why I Support Free Speech February 9, 2020 1080p - roflcopter2110.mp4 Format : MPEG-4 at 3 584 kb/s Length : 266 MiB for 10 min 23 s 424 ms Video #0 : AVC at 3 384 kb/s Aspect : 1920 x 1080 (1.778) at 29.970 fps Audio #0 : AAC at 192 kb/s Infos : 2 channels, 48.0 kHz Language : en Screenshots:
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Red Ice TV - Why I Support Free Speech February 9, 2020 1080p - roflcopter2110.mp4
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