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  1. Johnsen - Debating the Ku Klux Klan (2014).epub 300.7 KB
  2. Wheeler - The Racism Virus (2020).pdf 409.4 KB
  3. Williams - What Black and White America Must Do Now. A Prescription to Move Beyond Race (2020).epub 533.8 KB
  4. Domby - The False Cause. Fraud, Fabrication, and White Supremacy in Confederate Memory (2020).epub 596.9 KB
  5. Xaso - Made in South Africa. A Black Woman Stories of Rage, Resistance and Progress (2020).epub 651.2 KB
  6. Adegoke - Loud Black Girls. 20 Black Women Writers Ask - What’s Next (2020).epub 675.9 KB
  7. Gomez - Inventing Latinos. A New Story of America Racism (2020).epub 697.2 KB
  8. Sarpong - The Power of Privilege. How White People Can Challenge Racism (2020).epub 777.3 KB
  9. Currie - A Peculiar Indifference. The Neglected Toll of Violence on Black America (2020).epub 845.0 KB
  10. Fidel - The Antiracist. How to Start the Conversation About Race and Take Action (2020).epub 959.7 KB
  11. Zack (Ed.) - The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race (2017).epub 991.1 KB
  12. Darby - Sisters in Hate. American Women on the Front Lines of White Nationalism (2020).epub 1.1 MB
  13. Fletcher - The Sin of White Supremacy. Christianity, Racism, & Religious Diversity in America (2017).epub 1.1 MB
  14. Stewart - Black Women, Black Love. America’s War on African American Marriage (2020).epub 1.3 MB
  15. Wilkerson - Cast. The Origin of Our Discontents (2020).epub 1.6 MB
  16. Brown - Greyboy. Finding Blackness in a White World (2020).epub 1.6 MB
  17. Carlson - Policing the Second Amendment. Guns. Law Enforcement, and the Politics of Race (2020).epub 1.6 MB
  18. Schaub - Race Is about Politics. Lessons from History (2019).epub 2.0 MB
  19. Benedict - Race. Science and Politics (2019).epub 2.2 MB
  20. Ward - America’s Racial Karma. An Invitation to Heal (2020).epub 2.6 MB
  21. Staub - The Mismeasure of Minds. Debating Race and Intelligence between Brown and the Bell Curve (2018).epub 2.6 MB
  22. Hervik (Ed.) - Racialization, Racism, and Anti-Racism in the Nordic Countries (2019).pdf 3.4 MB
  23. Winters - Black Fatigue. How Racism Erodes the Mind, Body, and Spirit (2020).pdf 3.7 MB
  24. Stevenson - The Contested Murder of Latasha Harlins; Justice, Gender, and the Origins of the LA Riots (2013).epub 4.1 MB
  25. McNeil - Becoming Brave. Finding the Courage to Pursue Racial Justice Now (2020).epub 4.9 MB
  26. Leloudis & Korstad - Fragile Democracy. The Struggle Over Race and Voting Rights in North Carolina (2020).epub 5.9 MB
  27. Brooks - Mormonism and White Supremacy. American Religion and the Problem of Racial Innocence (2020).epub 7.8 MB
  28. The President and Fellows of Harvard College - Racism in America. A Reader (2020).pdf 7.9 MB
  29. Rowe - Healing Racial Trauma. The Road to Resilience (2020).pdf 8.9 MB
  30. Anderson & Bolden - We Are Not Yet Equal. Understanding Our Racial Divide (2016).epub 9.5 MB
  31. Van Dusen - Detroit’s Sojourner Truth. Housing Riot of 1942 (2020).epub 9.6 MB
  32. Eng & Han - Racial Melancholia, Racial Dissociation. On the Social and Psychic Lives of Asian Americans (2018).pdf 11.1 MB
  33. Thompson - Standoff. Race, Policing, and a Deadly Assault That Gripped a Nation (2020).epub 11.6 MB
  34. Van Meter - Deep Delta Justice. A Black Teen, His Lawyer, and Their Groundbreaking Battle for Civil Rights in the South (2020).epub 14.6 MB
  35. Goodman et al - Race. Are We So Different, 2e (2020).epub 24.2 MB

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