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  1. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/14. 014. Modeling with the Quad Draw Part 4.mp4 331.4 MB
  2. 63 bytes
  3. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/3.1 Monster 01 (12).jpg 236.0 KB
  4. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/1. 181 bytes
  5. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/13. 013. Modeling with the Quad Draw Part 19.7 KB
  6. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/6. 006. Creating the First 18.9 KB
  7. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/14. 014. Modeling with the Quad Draw Part 18.7 KB
  8. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/2. 002. Quick 16.6 KB
  9. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/21. 021. Setting Up the Background and 15.2 KB
  10. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/18. 018. Creating the UVs Part 13.2 KB
  11. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/27. 027. Adding the Back 13.0 KB
  12. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/23. 023. Adding Ambient Occlusion to the 11.9 KB
  13. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/5. 005. Creating the 2.3 KB
  14. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/28. 028. Final 11.3 KB
  15. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/24. 024. Tweaking the Materials on the 11.2 KB
  16. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/19. 019. Painting Textures with 3D Paint 10.2 KB
  17. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/17. 017. Creating UVs Part 9.9 KB
  18. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/26. 026. Adding the Front 9.4 KB
  19. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/16. 016. Creating Depth for the Mouth and 9.4 KB
  20. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/9. 009. Projecting Curve on Mesh to Block out the 9.1 KB
  21. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/10. 010. Introduction to the Quad Draw 8.8 KB
  22. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/12. 012. Modeling with the Quad Draw Part 8.5 KB
  23. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/7. 007. Creating the Second 8.2 KB
  24. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/15. 015. Attaching the Tentacles to the 7.1 KB
  25. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/22. 022. Creating the Skydome 7.0 KB
  26. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/11. 011. Modeling with the Quad Draw Part 5.9 KB
  27. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/29. 029. Creating the Final Image in 5.5 KB
  28. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/8. 008. Mirroring the 5.5 KB
  29. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/25. 025. Tweaking the 5.4 KB
  30. [TGx]Downloaded from .txt 585 bytes
  31. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/3. 003. Setting Up the Image 5.1 KB
  32. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/20. 020. Plugging the Textures into Arnold Surface 4.6 KB
  33. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/4. 004. Blocking Out the 3.5 KB
  34. .pad/0 60.3 KB
  35. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/13. 013. Modeling with the Quad Draw Part 3.mp4 328.0 MB
  36. .pad/1 41.5 KB
  37. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/27. 027. Adding the Back Light.mp4 309.4 MB
  38. .pad/2 578.7 KB
  39. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/6. 006. Creating the First Tentacle.mp4 229.6 MB
  40. .pad/3 431.3 KB
  41. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/26. 026. Adding the Front Light.mp4 203.6 MB
  42. .pad/4 437.9 KB
  43. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/18. 018. Creating the UVs Part 2.mp4 193.4 MB
  44. .pad/5 608.5 KB
  45. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/21. 021. Setting Up the Background and Camera.mp4 173.7 MB
  46. .pad/6 256.2 KB
  47. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/23. 023. Adding Ambient Occlusion to the Model.mp4 162.0 MB
  48. .pad/7 24.3 KB
  49. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/12. 012. Modeling with the Quad Draw Part 2.mp4 147.7 MB
  50. .pad/8 319.4 KB
  51. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/16. 016. Creating Depth for the Mouth and Eyelid.mp4 143.9 MB
  52. .pad/9 149.2 KB
  53. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/24. 024. Tweaking the Materials on the Model.mp4 141.1 MB
  54. .pad/10 889.7 KB
  55. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/19. 019. Painting Textures with 3D Paint Tool.mp4 137.5 MB
  56. .pad/11 529.3 KB
  57. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/2. 002. Quick Intro.mp4 135.7 MB
  58. .pad/12 314.7 KB
  59. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/9. 009. Projecting Curve on Mesh to Block out the Mouth.mp4 132.7 MB
  60. .pad/13 258.3 KB
  61. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/28. 028. Final Render.mp4 130.1 MB
  62. .pad/14 904.7 KB
  63. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/10. 010. Introduction to the Quad Draw Tool.mp4 129.1 MB
  64. .pad/15 941.3 KB
  65. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/17. 017. Creating UVs Part 1.mp4 124.9 MB
  66. .pad/16 128.1 KB
  67. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/11. 011. Modeling with the Quad Draw Part 1.mp4 124.4 MB
  68. .pad/17 565.6 KB
  69. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/22. 022. Creating the Skydome Light.mp4 106.9 MB
  70. .pad/18 145.2 KB
  71. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/15. 015. Attaching the Tentacles to the Body.mp4 105.1 MB
  72. .pad/19 907.9 KB
  73. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/7. 007. Creating the Second Tentacle.mp4 102.4 MB
  74. .pad/20 570.3 KB
  75. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/25. 025. Tweaking the Background.mp4 98.3 MB
  76. .pad/21 716.3 KB
  77. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/8. 008. Mirroring the Tentacles.mp4 66.3 MB
  78. .pad/22 705.4 KB
  79. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/4. 004. Blocking Out the Body.mp4 64.6 MB
  80. .pad/23 420.7 KB
  81. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/1. Introduction.mp4 61.8 MB
  82. .pad/24 217.4 KB
  83. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/29. 029. Creating the Final Image in Photoshop.mp4 61.5 MB
  84. .pad/25 523.9 KB
  85. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/3. 003. Setting Up the Image Plane.mp4 54.1 MB
  86. .pad/26 896.5 KB
  87. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/20. 020. Plugging the Textures into Arnold Surface Shaders.mp4 53.8 MB
  88. .pad/27 205.4 KB
  89. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/5. 005. Creating the Eyeball.mp4 27.4 MB
  90. .pad/28 639.0 KB
  91. [] - Creating a Cartoon Octopus Monster in Maya 2020/1. Introduction/22.1 photo_studio_01_4k.hdr 24.2 MB

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